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Cyborg Ninja

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Status Updates posted by Cyborg Ninja

  1. Sure. What did you have in mind?

  2. sweet stuff, I've been trying to think of something to write but I can't think of anything...and me and drawing don't go well together

  3. sweet, I'm looking forward to it

  4. Sweet, this should be fun =)

  5. Takai's sword is in Takeda's home and he needs Takeda's blood to wield it again. Since Takeda is knocked out he can't fight back and Takai needs Dai to help him get there.

  6. Tech's a good character, and is approved but I'll be controlling the AI.

  7. Than you'll love what he's going to do next. ;)

  8. Thank you for the confidence =) I'll defeat this studying...maybe. If I don't make it, you're in charge of my characters.

  9. Thank you very much good sir, and a happy easter to you as well.

  10. thanks CQ, you sir are a life saver.

  11. thanks for the head's up Chev, I just made the post.

  12. thanks for the headsup, anyting else I need to be aware of?

  13. Thanks Mr. CQ. I'm glad Chuck Norris cared too.

  14. Thanks, and don't worry about Cade's parents. Cylax is far too crafty to take an easy way out like that.

  15. Thanks, I'm glad I do so :) Hmm...sure sounds like fun:thmbup1:

  16. thanks, I've never written a fan fic before but I will check it out

  17. thanks, its good to be back

  18. Thanks! =) Its good to be back.

  19. Thanks! Happy Holidays Skywalker :)

  20. That depends, what type of reaction were you looking for? Did you want Takai to be freighted she was alive? Excited that he might get the opportunity to kill her again, and try to take over Takeda's body?

  21. That sounds good to me.

  22. That sounds good to me

  23. that sounds like a plan to me

  24. That was by far the most BA response I have ever gotten. Touche my friend, that's all I can say on that.

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