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Everything posted by TriggerGod

  1. heh, nice.

    Yeah, I might ask for help on that forum for one or two of my mods...

  2. holy advertising, spartan!

  3. my latest project...

    Ferc gave me permission to edit his Mission mod, so thats what I'm doing. In other words, I'm changing some stuff around (normal head has a skin tone that matches Mission more), which'll mean I have to re-do the transitions. And then I might be able to add some goodies to the mod, like custom armor, custom robe, a lightsaber...

  4. After Canderis told me. :ninja2:

  5. Good job on your moderation skillz. :golfclap:

  6. D:


    *warns echo base*

  7. very happy and 'shroomy, thank you.

  8. i'm going to start on it right now... ;)

  9. Its just a little more then that. My first test using the Clone Stamper and a selected area on his face is what your thinking of. What I'm thinking of is making the beard using that tutorial, and then matching the hues of the beard I make to that of the hair.

  10. I could, but it would look odd. Hair isn't one set of hues, its a whole bunch of hues.




    I could use that tutorial with a photoshop tool RedRob told me about recently. Make the beard with the tutorial, cut out a peice of hair from the original texture, and use the tool to make the beard-hairs the same color as the head-hairs.

  11. Yeah, but I couldn't find a way for me to do it on a blond guy...

  12. I've found something more interesting... making womens :p >_>

    luckily i found the file again, and I just finished the goatee... it sucks tho. Seriously, it looks like I cut out peices of his hair and made it blend better :p


  14. And indeed I have found a good sith eye. Similar to the Sith Eyes that Vader and Palpatine have in Ep 6...

    I shall send you a Private Message with my images (Zeltron normal head, Zeltron regular clothing, and Echani head (LS and DS)) so you don't have to use your imagination.

  15. Yes, the traditional yellow with red surrounding it.


    Unless I can find a good other kind of eye.



    I have only created the first head skin, and removed the green from the hair (i used a photoshop feature to make the echani's regular hair the same as the Handmaiden's, but somehow, there was green all over the hair. luckily, I had the CLONE STAMPER! :D)

    Now the DS Transitions will be easier, considering there won't be any changes except on the final one, where she'll gain sith eyes.

  17. I decided to work on an Echani thats even less known then the Zeltron.


    And with the transparency, that means that you see right through the character. On peragus, with the clothing, you'll see the texture behind you.

  18. working on getting a good shine for my [little-known] Zeltron mod. Its almost done, except for my shiny stuff. Her lips will have a shine, as if she put on lip-gloss, and her leather pants for her normal clothing also has a shine. But right now, her stuff is (semi-)transparent.

  19. is that whats thats from? >->

  20. my head is like a bank vault on steroids. the guards are equipped with Nanosuits and SCARs. Automated turrets lay behind the doors. If you manage to get past them, you must go through a second vault door. behind of which is an impenetrable series of trip beams, which, when tripped, will activate the series of lightsabers, sending anything larger then a speck of dust into oblivion.

  21. maybe it did. maybe it didn't.


  22. you mean avy?

    if you mean avy, i just found it around the net.

    if you mean sig, the text for the link is something Marius said to me once when we were discussing stuff, and the post is from Filefront....

    And I think my new Leaf egg is kawaii! :D

    ...did I just say kawaii out loud? D:

  23. Sheet music so I can practice the guitar. A practice amp for said guitar. Crysis Warhead (yes, I have the graphics to play it on low, but do I have the space? I think not), and maybe Mass Effect. Hancock is also on my list. And some generic books.

  24. I sent you and CQ a PM with a shotgun I made... It better have gotten through >_<

    I've also had a talk with J7 about a problem I had with submitting my new Inheritor to KFiles (doesn't go in system)

    I also made a launcher (see TUCE thread)

    And I meant that I'm a NaruHina fan, it was just a joke what I said in the thread.

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