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Everything posted by TriggerGod

  1. Hi, HK :wavey:

    Its me, BIOShazard...

    You ARE the DarthHK from Team Gizka forums, right?

  2. O RLY now?

    We'll get it out of you..

    *sets up chair and whip*

  3. ...

    "hes" back, and as young as ever...

  4. Hmm...

    I do leik the orange better then red.

  5. Nice... avatar...

    Looks like something my sister would use as an avy...

  6. I still plan on getting that Flavor Flav avy when I reach 1000 posts...

  7. One that many people do not have :lol:

  8. O RLY?

    That bunny would be full by the time I finish that tut :D

  9. ?: Are you against DR/Gangsta?

  10. [ForcePersuade]You will come back to Holowan[/ForcePersuade]

    *TriggerGod's persuade skill of 100 vs. Chainz.2da's persuade skill of 25*

    Fail :(

  11. Disregard my previous comment :)

  12. Yea, they can have the epicness mine has :lol:

  13. Yeah, I have a question for him, and he can't answer if he isn't here -_-

  14. Yes, yes he can. But I've finally made heads and tails of scripting. I guess I'm... fourth grade? I still need to learn the anatomy of scripting :) [/sciencemetaphor]

  15. ... not yet..

  16. that is called lurking -_-

  17. i c j00 lurking. catching up on posting before you come back to Canyon?

  18. Finally, its over. The tyranny of DR's hax0ring is over...

  19. Your good(?) name has been cleared. Have a nice day.

  20. Ahh.. that makes perfect sense.

  21. Hey Ulmont, you know a scripter on Canyon that can halp me with my problem...

  22. NEW UPGRADE!!! :emodanc:

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