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Status Updates posted by Litofsky

  1. Hey, Mach. It feels kind of silly to say this, but I finally realized the source of your name. *headslaps self* Does it, in any way, reflect your personal philosophies?

  2. Well, didn't MAD prevent us from destroying the entire world multiple times? No one wants to fire warheads unless they'll be around to enjoy the view at the end.

  3. An interesting poem, Sabre. William Blake seems to have been an interesting man, at the very least. But onto my perception of said poem:


    I cannot help, throughout the poem, but escape the image of a captured tiger, bound for all to see, his majestic nature stripped away for the enjoyment of others.


    On the other hand, it might merely be an admirer, when, in the deep of night, approached by a tiger so closely that he can observe and only speculate as to the beginnings of such a (noble, perhaps?) creature.


    I thank you for fully posting it, Good Sir Sabre! 'twas quite an interesting read. Blake was quite the unique man, it seems.

  4. The four great beauties? I don't recall their names, and I can't say I remember any facts for sure, but I believe that they were oriented with nature? I read about them over the summer, but my mind's melted a bit. :p Would you care to refresh my memory, or should I just Wiki it?


    The words for America? Meiguo? Beautiful country? I prefer to look at the word "mei"'s radical: sheep. I like to say that "The Chinese had it right, calling us sheeple." (Sheeple meaning "sheep people," or people who follow anything their leaders do.


    As for the tones, I'm alright with some, but stink with others.


    Bee has good day so far? It's around 1:00 PM, right? I've got some friends in Australia, and I checked: depending on where you live in Malaysia, you're around there, if I'm correct.

  5. Unless they too suck the fun out of everything they see and touch. :p

  6. I am on, Good Sir, but I fear you are at dinner now! :(

  7. Hey- I just wanted to pop by quickly and say that I'm not going to be able to make it on tonight (today, future-dweller!), as I've got to attend something tomorrow (and the rest of the week) for Chinese. However, I will be on tomorrow evening- we've got a chess game to finish (for me to win!). ;)

  8. Yes, Beetalk is quite the buzz in my visitor messages. I thank you for this add: together, we shall become the Rulers! o_Q

  9. I'd say that the average American high school isn't that great- to get a good paying job nowadays, one needs, at the least, a college degree. Graduate school will only help in getting further in life. As for the quality of my high schools, it's are good, but not great.


    No, I really don't have time. I was originally going to make one about the Republic invasion of Dxun, but I just ran out of time. However, I believe that I'm going to pots a NSW Fic that I imagined at camp (where I was learning Chinese. During my 'bored times,' I decided to write down a ten-page timeline o_Q). It revolves around the collapsing economic situation in America (and much of the world, for that matter), how some countries (countries is the wrong word: individual nations have entered unions in order to compete in the global market, i.e., the European Union, the North American Union, etc.) attempt to solve their problems, and the eventual war that comes as a result. Hopefully, I'll do a decent job writing. *shrugs*


    I don't have any real links (that I'd provide, anyway). My earlier writing wasn't that great, but I've got a feeling that if I put quality over quantity, take my time to explain my thoughts (or the character's thoughts, in this matter) I should be alright.


    Oh, BumbleBee! I got my story up (not the Cantina one, however)! Voila. I hope you like it! *sighs nervously from worry that I missed some essential detail*

  10. ALMOST indeed, Bee! However, I've developed the plotline, made sure (to a reasonable degree) that it doesn't interfere with known canon, write it, delete half of it, and then rewrite it.


    Alas, Bee! Skype is productive! Get your boss hooked on it, and then s/he won't care if you use it! xD

  11. Bee! <3333 Must come on Skype, Bee. There is much that I am needing to procrastinate!

  12. We shall cast the worthless Comet aside, Sabre- we shall cast it aside, we shall burn it with fire, and we shall emerge victorious, standing triumphant atop its steaming corpse!


    [whine]Sabre, I dunwanna do my Internal Assessmentsssssssss. [/whine]



    Ah, the joys of the mind, Sabre! How goes eating your popcorn? Delicious, I assume?

  14. 'tis, Sire, and I am awaiting your finishing of le Call.

  15. Commander, doth naught join DSMALL! Their anarchy will be the end of Ahto as we know it. Only SSPP can usher in the fabled Golden Age of Ahto. o_Q

  16. All of mah bebbehs shall be adorable! o_Q


    From my understanding, American universities are generally better than European/other Western ones. Of course, their high schools are better... A medical student, and waiting to go to the land of Aussie! Where in Australia, may I ask? South, West, where in particular? Just be sure not to be stung by an iricongi (no Wiki page, but it's an extraordinarily small jellyfish that can, if it stings you, kill)! I'd miss mah Beeh!


    I was just (definitely not) insinuating that Mr. Bee and BumbleBee did some licentious things. o_Q But I could be wrong.




  17. Concur, Bee! Concur! It is certainly not art class, and the MMO is certainly not the KotOR III we expected. I am a bit disappointed that we won't be able to play as Revan, or even the Exile again! I just hope that we don't find a body marked "Revan's Corpse," or something of the like in the game. :(

  18. Happy New Year, you future-goer! I shall endeavor to be on the Elitist Skype soon enough, but in the meantime-> sleep.

  19. Quite so, Sabre! Quite so. Soon, you shall reach 6,000 posts, a momentous achievement indeed!

  20. Very good, Comrade! SSPP is the wave of the future, and cannot, nay, shall not be ignored! Glory to the SSPP!

  21. By all means, Astor, I would love nothing more than to rip into has fallacies, alas, it seems that commenting has been disabled. :/

  22. I already read it. Does that mean you want a rematch? :xp:


    How was the chess club, praytell? No drunken ramblings, correct?

  23. I apologize for not being on. Influenza is not pleasant. Will write more when my nose isn't gushing mucus/I can form entirely coherent thoughts.

  24. I seriously dobt we'll get anything accomplished, but we won't know without trying. *dons headache medicine* Prepare for battle. :p

  25. Inyrikins, how art thou? Quite spectacular, I take it?

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