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Status Updates posted by Litofsky

  1. I'm taking Chinese in school, and I went to a camp that taught it over the summer, so I've got a basic understanding of the language (I can say a few simple phrases and cobble together a few words).


    America = 美国


    China's history is incredibly long: it's one of the longest lasting civilizations on the planet. It'd take quite a while to learn all of it. As for Japan, I think that China's more interesting. Indeed, Wiki to the rescue! What would we do without Wikipedia? :p

  2. IB is an internationally recognized course of study: instead of the country specific, possibly sub-standard education, the IB (International Baccalaureate) program teaches a course that was decided upon by the international community (if I've said that correctly).


    Bush has made the world view us as dumb people. Well, then again...


    As for the Zoidac, I don't believe that animals four away would be especially compatible (in Chinese, four is a homonym for death), but, then again, it might have been before 'si' was developed.


    I don't believe that I'm going to finish in time- instead, I'm going to being working on a NSW Fic. Hopefully school will give me a tiny break with my homework load.


    I've read A Reason and your story about Atris (sorry, but I don't remember the name). I thoroughly enjoyed them both (meaning I loved them both), and I only wish I could write like that. [/envy] Nonetheless, I shall try my best!

  3. Inyri! This "GarfieldJL" is driving me crazy. Well, I'm off to go watch some Fox! Fun fun fun. [/sarcasm]


    How goes Madam Inyri's life?

  4. Is not all time valuable?


    And yes, 'twould not be a good idea to use a religious excuse attending a related seminar/discussion.

  5. It is my sincerest turn to wish you a happy birthday, yeeyoon!


    It sounds like you've been having fun back home, away from the land down under. How go your studies, Bee?

  6. It took me eight freaking days, but I finally watched the video, and I must say, it was interesting.


    First off, the 21st Century will definitely be one of fluid movements and happenings; I don't think that we'll have a Superpower-Superpower Split that we saw for half-a-century ever again.


    One of the main points raised was the decreasing importance of the bullet as opposed to the (insert currency here). A critical point I derived from the presentation was the fact that money will determine the borders- and alliances- of the future.


    I was a bit confused on one of the matters, however: the speaker mentioned in numerous places (Sudan and Afghanistan/Pakistan, to name two) that civil wars were threatening to rip existing lines apart and carve new nations via bayonet. I'm not so much perplexed on this matter as the resulting political situations which may result from such a division.

  7. It's "月白," if I remember correctly.


    If it were up to me, I'd just have the elections on one day- primaries for political parties one week, the election the next! But no, we've got to have a three-month-long ordeal after the primaries, where the candidates smear each other and will tell us anything to vote for them.


    How can you have Star Wars with a non-Jedi story? :xp: In my Cantina entry (if I can ever get around to writing it), one viewpoint will be for the soldiers and one for the Jedi leading the charge: the Exile (gah! I still need a name for her in my entry. Any ideas?).


    Beee! <3 ...where did "<3" even come from? :p

  8. It's 11:00 here now, so yeah, it's pretty early. I actually set my alarm for 8:30 this morning, so I could finish my homework early.


    YEAZ, I KNO THAT RESISTANCE IS FUTILE. Juz lemme finish my stuff this week first (I've got a project, a band concert, and a bunch of other work all due within the next few days, so I'm really short of time [but never out of time for LF!]).


    Beeee! How goes your fic?

  9. It's hungry. :p


    In class, we were listening to a Chinese video. The narrator spoke so fast, it sounded insane. I picked up bits here and there, but it's pretty unknown to me. *shrugs*


    Nononono, my alarm clock be not cute. It makes loud cried and I must smash it to make it shut up (hey, it's hard to find the reset button when the sun isn't even up yet!).


    Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Hai.

  10. Jon! You have achieved the rank of Moderator of Kavar's Corner! Please, do your best to keep that place clean. We all know that it needs it.


    Congrats on your promotion (:xp:)!

  11. Legal. Hmm. Do you want the dictionary's definition, or my own? :xp:


    I suppose that 'legal' would be things generally accepted by the societal norm and fashioned into laws. 'Legal/law' is the result of this fashioning (aka, judicial system). So, legal things are things generally accepted by society, with punishment based on the severity of the crime/deference.


    Good luck attempting to decipher that. o_Q

  12. Leonidas screaming "Beeeee!" against the Persians would be very funny.


    Ah, well, I've already sold my soul to LF. I got quite a nice bargain in return! *hides deliciousness behind back*


    I woke up early so that I cold stay up later without having to do homework, Bee! Iz using mah brainz!

  13. Lion roar? Lion roar?! I just searched Albino Bengal Tiger. :xp:


    Also, you're custom title, what does it say?

  14. Mah identity haz been revealed!



  15. Many thanks for the link, Sire; in response, I offer up one of my own:




    o_Q (of course, the Pope kinda said something similar 50 years back, but, y'know, Jews in the South still aren't too popular [or anyone different, for that matter :xp: ])

  16. Many thanks, Good Sir. I have chosen to adopt this new avatar for reasons yet unknown. I think it's turning out pretty nicely, however. :p


    After exams, Sir, we must communicate. o_Q

  17. Many thanks, GTA. I found it while surfing this great mass of interconnected nets. o_Q


    How have you been recently?

  18. Many, many thanks upon you, sire! A great site this is, with Civilizations galore. Two I find rather interesting:


    Special Unit (for America): B17 (clicky, my good man)


    Special Ability (for Russia): Mother Russia


    Awesome. Pure awesome. o_Q



    Ah, the joys of the mind, Sabre! How goes eating your popcorn? Delicious, I assume?

  20. Microbiology? That's really cool! What got you interested in that field in the first place?*


    *Yes, I'm an inquisitive person by nature. :p

  21. Most unexcellent. A recent bought of strep throat has forced me to take two more exams in the next few months (I do believe, however, that I may be able to exempt two of them). Do you have any exams coming in the next months?


    Ah, the Letter from the Desk of His Majesty. That was not my innovation, I am sorry to report, but that of Darathy's. ;)

  22. My friends come in a wide variety: I've got atheist friends, deeply religious friends, and so on. They all care equally about politics (using that word with a broad meaning), which means they don't care at all.


    On a completely unrelated note, two of my friends hooked up last year (and when I complained, she said that she was the "type of girl that wouldn't do anything before marriage [yeah, right]) and yesterday I found out that they were making out on the bus. But I really digress. :p


    I wish that the current 'ruling' generation would look at the future, for once, instead of thinking about here and now. Foresight is a key component to any plan, and our government has shown a complete lack of it for the past...


    For a very long time.

  23. Naval invasions to some degree, but I still see certain ships (Sweden in particular, in my most recent campaign) carrying entire armies out to the middle of the Atlantic. :/


    Choosing your successor? That'd be a nice touch: did previous games have the same types of 'government' that we see in E:TW?

  24. Negative, Good Sir! The teachers are presently toiling to input grades, leaving me to enjoy the podcast, and whatnot. :p


    Exams, Sabre, exams! Have you not taken them and cast them down as the terrible tests they are?

  25. Negative. I had strep throat. ;)


    At any rate, I'm downloading the Empire: Total War demo right now. Hopefully, I'll have a new game to add to the list afterward. :p

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