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Everything posted by Burnseyy
Eurgh, I could never be a geologist... or whatever requires geography. And I thought learning about British farming/industry was boring. No offence... just not my sort of thing.
It might turn out to be interesting - sometimes summaries seem boring.
I can't wait until college tomorrow. Can't wait to see my friends again! I haven't seen some of them for the whole holiday. (11 weeks, due to leaving early because of GCSEs.)
What choices do you have? Surely there's something that interests you.
I'm fine - my sister (whos 13) thinks high school is better than college. Nothing can be worse than high school!
Huh? So... you're reading it, but won't be giving feedback until later?
lol fine by me. It's not like I need feedback.
Read it/proof read it.
i'm going to be writing QFR now, so i won't reply as quickly to anything you say.
I wish I could play music! It's just so confusing - so many notes, and having to use two hands at once well, I can multi-task, but somehow, with guitars, it's impossible. I feel sorry for the singer guitarists they must've had to practise a lot!
If you're ever on TV, I'll say that I was the one who got you on there, due to my supportive nature. because you can get on TV! and the 50s rock music will prevail! (I've not even heard any 50s rock, I don't think, so er, yeah.)
I think I already know a few psychological patterns, and how this makes people react, and so on so forth. I know what to look for, half the time, so I can pinpoint if people are lying, even if I've never met them before/they're a good liar, and I can also tell how they view others/view the world without even asking. It's sort of strange, but there are little signs that you can pick up to determine whether they're being truthful/true to themselves.
I think psychology will do some good for me. It'll certainly help with interviews! We're told that if you fidget/don't keep eye contact, they think you're scared or nervous, and so, you can't be a good candidate for the job. Which seems true. But I'm a naturally fidgetty person, and staring into peoples eyes is just weird. I think at one point, I got so bored with looking at that person, I just went into an absentminded stare. Psychology can be true, but not always. It depends on the person.
Either way, my ex was weird.
I put a lot of myself into my characters too - I sort of put myself in their shoes, get into their mindframe, and wonder how I'd react to whatever's happening in the story. It's useful, and adds a realistic flare to the story - so kudos to you.
Leave each chapter a week to get readers. You don't want to post a story, just to put people off with it's length, do you?
The flashback sounds like a great idea - and it'll hardly be about the war. It'll be about the sith... most of the next few chapters will be about the Sith, and so I don't think you should just leave bits out because you want to get it over and done with. You'll regret it.
A launch date? But HOP hasn't posted his yet... has he?
I must go... hopefully reading will tire me out (as if it requires any effort.)
Im sure youll get the war scenes done quickly enough. The sith bit certainly sounds interesting so far, and I look forward to her escaping. Perhaps there'll be time to make it up to Ross, how shes been a 'bad' Master so far. He seems to know more than her!
PoD is really good. It's so clever, witty, so suspenseful and interesting. I don't want to end it, but I just can't stop reading.
My god, you did that? I have a thing for collecting books. Sometimes I may not read the specific book that I buy - I read a bit of it, but usually don't like it. But I can't sell them lol. They're part of the book shelf!
I guess I'll be learning a lot of this stuff in psychology when I start college. But apparently psychology ruins your perceptions of things.... if you let it. An ex boyfriend told me (he took psychology) that when people go out, they don't look at the personality or the looks of the boyfriend, they think "what would be the best father for children?"
Obviously this freaked me out, but I knew that I didn't go out with him for THAT reason!
I'm off in a bit. If i don't try and sleep, I'll be dead for college. I think i'll finish off Path of Destruction tonight, and maybe start the Han Solo thing.
Playing K1, atm. What are you up to?
Yeah, that's right! My rooms not filthy; if theres food in my room, like tea I've just eaten or snacks, they're thrown away asap. But I know where everything is, so I rarely lose things in my room. Now, my parents can't seem to understand that if they move my stuff and "tidy up" I lose things, and it makes me frustrated. They just think I'm being lazy and messy, but I'm not! Okay, maybe sometimes.
My books, paper & stories go beside my bed, my games go beside my xbox, and everything else goes on my book case, which is a mess. But I've organised it a certain way, so everything isn't falling out, and my more important things go on top. ^^
I sort of have a four day weekend. I'll be in college for two days, but we're not doing any work. Sounds good to me!
Of course drama is good in anime, but gundam had tooo much of it. It was incredibly cheesy... then again, a lot of anime is. Ever read FAKE?
Urbs... wow, that brings back memories. I never passed that, got bored.
Yeah, 60 hours is a bit too much. You'd have to be a very dedicated workaholic to do that! Providing this workaholic was religious and needed Sundays of. >_>
As for the picture...
*rolls eyes* lol
Well, it sounds like a good idea, presuming that's what you like! Sounds quite artistic, I say go for it.
Bleh, I've got a laptop, so I couldn't play KOTOR computer version on it. I had to install it onto my dads computer, which is lame, but I've got an xbox, so I can just play it on there instead. (my friend lended me the comp. version). I'm currently playing K1 with male LS. I'm at the bit where Carth first starts being paranoid and thinking you're some spy.
Haha, I doubt it. If they offered more money, though, I'd be all for it, presuming it was more money than the actual job i plan to already be at! Nah, I've got two jobs pending, atm, so hopefully they'll get in touch & offer me an interview.
You're in college 60 hours a week?! What? Or would that be including a job? Still thats a lot of time.
I haven't gotten my schedule so I don't know how much work I'm going to be doing.
Seems like a lot of work for a story. Though I suppose it'll make the story more convincing. It'll be good to see an extended version of the DS playthrough.
I didn't get the job. But I was apparently second best, so they kept hold of my CV. Yeah right, they're just trying to get in my good books, so if they DO happen to need me, they'll have me.
I only hope I've got a job by then, so I CAN say no to them. Hmf.
Summer certainly has it's way of making you lazy, doesn't it?
We'll probably have a tour of the college/speak to our teachers/get our books and whatnot that we paid for. But surely that doesn't take two days. Well... I'm not complaining.
Well, HOP and I have extra classes (or so I think he does). I definitely do, anyway. *sigh* he said he had lots of essays to do, but essays can be done in 2 hours, tops. Longer ones usually take about 3 or 4, but it doesn't consume all your time.
Really? it's a bit pointless how you have to keep enrolling. Or inducting. I have no idea what we're going to do for two days at college with no work. sure, we could get acquainted with the teachers, but there's only six!
Yeah, I'm sure his days and nights aren't jam packed full of work... but he probably just wants to get it out of the way before he starts writing again. If that's true, he'll never finish the work. I'm not an expert on American education, but I'm betting it's more difficult, turn 16.