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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. So we're going ahead with posting it as soon as the first chapter is complete to perfection?

  2. I want to go to Germany! I'll just be calling everyone 12 and 13 I think zwolf and elf are? and I'll be offending them a lot, too. Yeah, not a good idea.


    I once met a Spanish girl on holiday - she spoke a fair bit of English, but she was the most annoying thing since barbie. I found myself hiding from her, a lot, only for my dads crazy girlfriend to help her find me.


    I'll never forget the horror of that holiday. Though she did introduce me to the band, HIM.

  3. You sure you don't want to invent your own name and dazzle us with the amazingness of it's randomness yet perfect...ness?



  4. That does make more sense. So it's sorted, then? That means I'm starting the thread... remember, anything you want up, just ask. I'll be working on a summary, and you can add/take as much as you like, to make it fit the story, perfectly.

  5. Well it makes sense, doesn't it? The True Sith, the nexus, Revan, the remaining Jedi and half of the Council dead... everything's corrupted, in relation to the Force.

  6. I'm just saying that two might be a little too much time ;)

    Things happen in that much time.

  7. I also remember you commenting me, and asking me about my writing. And now we've written a total of about 100+ pages, talking back and fro to each other. Imagine if that went on your total posts? We have more posts than moderators!


    And I hated Spanish too. It was just so... urgh! French was better, but I still hated that too. Depending on what class/year you're in, depended on whether you started with German or French.

    I was unlucky... But I know danke, zwolf, elf, hallo... (hallo is hello, right?) and two swear words :o

  8. I still answered the PM. :^:

    I'll read it when it's up on K3... and apparently I'm your proof reader, you're DY's proof reader, and DYs my proof reader.


    Oh oh, also, how do you like the name "The Force Corrupted" for the story? DY and I both like that. We just figured if you could come up with something better, it'd be a good idea to ask now. :)

  9. I learned bits of Spanish and French. I've completely forgotten Spanish, but still have a few basic skills needed if I was lost in France (god knows why I'd be lost in France.)


    I tried drums, guitar, I just have no musical talent... IT, I've got computer skills, but I never took it, because school just made it more boring than maths. And that's bad.

  10. I wouldn't say I've seen many stories on Yuthura before. Actually, yours was the first one, so to me, it was original. The reason I read it was because I'd never seen a story like it before, and I liked Yuthura when I'd played K1.


    It doesn't matter how long it lasts - the longer it goes, the more you'll realise who the true fans are. :D

  11. Same, I'm rubbish at writing songs. On my enrollment day, I had answer a few questions... this is what it looked like:


    Do you play any musical instruments? No.

    Do you have any qualifications in IT? No.

    Do you know any foreign languages? No.

    Do you have any qualifications from any classes outside of school? No.


    I felt like a failure :lol:


    Anyway - my school never had any poetry in it's classes... except studying it. Though we did have an annual poetry competition, which I won twice in a row. Got £10 out of it both times. :)

  12. I know - even though I planned my Jedi and a Zabrak story to only be 5 chapters, I didn't want to see it go... but I knew that once the battle had been lost, they would have travelled elsewhere, because there was only one large battle on that planet. Oh well... I think I left it on a nice note.


    SiD is an amazing story, and if you don't want to end it yet, then don't. I bet you've like gotten to know your character (Yuthura) haven't you? :^: almost as if you could be friends with that character, if only you were in your story. At least, that's how I am with my main characters.

  13. I'm not sure how long K3 will last. There's a lot of work in it, isn't there? I really look forward to getting into it - and the good thing is, we won't need to write anywhere near as much as we have done for this chapter, at least, most of the time. It'll be good to know you have two other people to write when you can't.


    Just out of interest, have you ever written poetry? or songs?

  14. I guess that's it - you put up with a bad past, but it's always your choice to change the future. :xp:


    Anyway, I wonder what Yuthura will decide... and how it will leave her, Revan and Bastila after it all. I'm looking forward to your next few chapters - they sound really interesting. :)

  15. Er >_> no I read it. Oops? I would hardly consider it THAT big of a spoiler. I like being in on the info, but only the hints - if you tell me the story, that's when I'll be annoyed :xp:


    I don't comment on that many peoples stories. Maybe I should, considering how many people comment on my story... but meh, my choice. :^:

  16. Funny you should say the flip side of the coin... because it could also relate to Yuthura. It's all down to luck, whether you turn out being tormented your whole life, or gliding through it, free of anger. To be honest, I'd had thought there'd be more Sith than Jedi, but ah well...


    And maybe Bastila was so easy, because you were mainly male! I doubt she cares that much for the female Revan... but that's a whooole new topic lol. At least I've got Carth and Juhani ¬.¬ hmf.


    It's a pity you won't be writing any more after SiD. Well, I'm going to keep on writing until the end of time! Or at least, until I'm satisfied with writing... this year I intend to make my writing much better, improve on it... I've joined a Creative Writing enrichment class during college, so it should be good. :)

  17. That would actually be a great idea. It's not been done before, and that's what it's about - originality.


    Bastila was a pain to turn back to the LS... I only managed it once, and that was because I was a male Revan. >_> figures.


    Either way - it's your choice.

  18. Doesn't the Star Forge emit dark side power, though?


    I've always been interested in writing or reading the continuation of a Dark Side playthrough from K1... like, after Revan reclaimed the title of Sith Lord. Maybe after I've finished everything else, I could do that. But that's a long way away, if I even did it.


    It's always good to think outside the box, mind...

  19. I have three SW books... I'd lend you one, but my arm doesn't stretch to America. I know, I'm such a bad friend.



    If you ever do finish SiD, do you reckon you'll be starting another independent story, or would that be all?

  20. No, I'm not giving up on it. I take turns with the chapters... QFR, The Huntress, K3, QFR, Huntress, K3. I'm currently doing QFR, so the Huntress won't have an update for some time... Maybe I'll start writing them both at once, and kill two birds with one stone.


    ...Or maybe I'll just retreat to a corner in my room, and rock back and forth, because I have lots of work and college hasn't even started :xp:


    I've got big plans, and they're allll locked away.

  21. There's also a cut there, which I noticed in the mirror long after the actual bump to the head. Now I can pretend to be Harry Potter. D'you reckon anyone will notice that I've changed my identity?


    And I guess that's true. In that case - ambiens are bad! If you take one more, then you will be betraying Yuthura (I don't know how she fits in, but there you go.) Honestly, if you don't want to get back into it, just don't think it's the only way to make you sleep. Buy yourself a SW novel - you'll be dreaming in no time. :^:


    ps. there's a big difference between a 19 year old and a 70 year old isn't there? >_>

  22. I hope that wasn't my fault, keeping you up until 2am some nights!

    I think the true way to get sleep back, is the old fashioned way... just do what I did - smack your head over a table.

    What's funny is I had a nap for 2 hours after that. *shrug*


    As long as you don't start forgetting bits of info we say about K3... or your name, and actually get decent nights sleep, take that ambien as much as you like :^:

  23. Hmm...




    You're saying avatars are important yeah? Then how about, with our names, the first poster has an image of our avatars, so that idiots who don't want to read who the story is by, will undoubtedly see the pictures, and realise that it's a group effort?


    There's little point in making it look like an RPG, when we can shorten it down into two posts, and likely not put people off reading the seemingly long 3 posts of 1 chapter. We should also tell readers that other chapters probably won't reach the length that chapter 1 has.



  24. :lol: of course, my rooms a complete mess, and she'll never be able to swim over the mess to escape.


    Such is life!



  25. What, you mean three different posts for the first chapter? :confused: I'm sure we went through this before.

    It'd be a good idea if I posted the first part of chapter one (which would likely include yours, and most of mine) and then the next in the alphabet could post the remaining part of the story (which would consist of some of mine and HOPs). Then, when chapter two is ready to be posted, HOP will post it. That way, we take turns posting the chapters, and there isn't just one 'spokes person'.


    Is that what you mean?

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