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Everything posted by Burnseyy

  1. God that place sounds like a cave. Do they have anything? And the internet does cost money there doesn't it? Just not for you... someone's got to pay the price.


    I've just realised I'm not too good at drawing girls faces, and not too good at drawing male bodies. So my pictures look weird lol.


    I'm regretting being female DS now... and not because of the DS. I hate Disciple. I want to leave him in the Crystal Cave to get poisoned to death by the kinrath. At least Handmaiden isn't all 'ohh i know about the republic and jedi blah blah I'm a historian.'

  2. I've never written a chapters in advance, before, but I've written dialogue, and drawn pictures of possible future chapters. The idea for Brianna and Darren relaxing on Onderon was a picture I drew during the early planning of the story. I drew another one, recently, of the same scene, but I've lost it.. *grumble*


    So your internet isn't fully repaired? I think it's been working fine, since you haven't once (since my holiday) said that the internet was crashing.


    Who is the main character in the SW book you're reading?

  3. Are they allowed to even swim in the lake? I wouldn't have tried it, but it would've been interesting to see who did it. Actually, I'd have been the one on the boat, but I wouldn't be following them - I'd be speeding about the lake as I saw fit! Much more fun.


    I get what you mean. I want to get to certain points in my story, but you've got to be patient and realise that if you rush this, you might miss out vital information... atm, in QFR I have so much 'explaining' to do, but it can't come until after they've helped Mission. In a nutshell, I'm leading people into a false sense of security... and once they leave the planet they're on, the weirdness sets in. ;)

  4. I wish I could play guitar. I'd rock and roll every day... then I wouldn't need guitar hero! But alas, I do.


    Do you know how to play any already existent songs? :)

  5. Poor you :xp: I'm sure you'll never have to deal with that again... Until next year. Is it really a necessary reunion? Do your family live far apart or something?


    I wrote a little more of QFR earlier... I'm running out of things to describe. Mission's apartment has been described to death, and the silence of the planet/heat/two suns have also been described to death. Maybe Darren can venture somewhere else for a bit before the main action takes place and think of his beloved Brianna... I think there's an emotional scene in the near future! :D


    I look forward to your next SiD chapter, but don't feel inclined to rush it simply because I want to read it. I've got three other books to read, right here in my room.

  6. It wasn't jaundice! I was just yellow... and had liver problems.

    >.> I'm surprised it was red bull and not alcohol.

    Damn red bull :fist:


    All is well. :) Hows life on your end of the internet?

  7. I have a contract on my phone - part of the reason I've had no money this Summer - but I never spend the whole £60 I get each month. My sister, though, has £160 to spend and she ALWAYS goes over! She's been grounded several times, because she's making the bill too big for mum. Actually I think she's had hers cancelled, now. :^:

    ...But I always get dragged into the argument... "you two always go over the limit on your phones blah blah blah." I think she fails to see that I don't.


    I find out tomorrow whether I've got the job. It pays better than my last one... I'm just praying i get it. I need it now! I have my own monthly bill, and I no longer need a uniform... gotta start buying more clothes.


    I feel sorry for you! I'd have died at that reunion. I usually always take a book or a handheld games console (DS) to keep myself occupied. How did you survive? :xp:

  8. Oh, you're reading that book? It was written like mine? >_> Now I'm just confused. I've editted a bit of what you've written, but kept most of my previous stuff, because it's not really 'my style' that you've changed it to. I guess proof reading just requires bad grammar checks, spelling, things that don't make sense and problems with the plot. I appreciate the help though. :)


    I think that Star wars play through thing was hilarious. Nar Shaddaa has been the funniest so far (I'm up to Dantooine)... that's the only reason I'm reading it. >_>

  9. If the world's exploded, and I'm dead, Heaven's pretty boring... Oh well, at least I can still write stories.


    I'm good thanks... Reading the most hilarious thing ever - http://fromearth.net/LetsPlay/KOTOR%202/index.html - it's been leaving me in laughing fits throughout the day :lol: how'd the reunion go?

  10. I hate watching TV shows where people have odd and horrible diseases, and can't do much about it. Why do people watch them?


    Anyway, I wouldn't say I'm addicted to anything, because an addiction implies you can't help but drink the alcohol, or smoke the cigarette. It's very tempting, but it's not controlling my movements - I don't have to buy a drink. It's like your mind convinces you to do it, but you know you shouldn't. I just have enough common sense to say no to drinks, despite my cravings.


    Sleep pills make you think you need them but you don't. Not unless you go weeks on end without any sleep.

  11. I don't get how you can crave a pill? I mean I suppose the effects are nice and all, but I'd rather fall asleep of my own accord. I hate mood altering pills.

  12. First time I ever got drunk, I'd drank 9 cans of strongbow and 2 glasses of vodka/coke. I could act sober, and even had a normal conversation with my dad.

    What can I say? I'm great. :xp:

  13. Yeah, waking up half way through a dream lets you remember it more. I love having dreams... don't know why. Some of them have even given me ideas for stories.

  14. Well... she's not a victim. She goes out without her mobile on, gets home at half 12 (despite being 13 years old) sometimes drunk off her head, throwing up and ill, and she wonders why she gets grounded the next day.




    At least I'm good at lying and hiding my drunkness! Honestly.

  15. I've had dreams where I felt pain before. I was being held down by people who I thought were my friends, and they stuck needles in the tips of my fingers :eyepop I think it was the killing needle, it hurt! But it obviously didn't happen.


    Is there a reason you don't remember your dreams often? I always remember mine

  16. My dads girlfriend lol

    My sister and I get along alright, but only when she's not screaming and ranting about how she hates everyone and she's a victim.



  17. :lol: being normal is weird. So if you're weird, then you're normal. Which makes you weird.

    It's a vicious cycle...


    I had a horrible dream last night. I was being chased by someone, and they had a knife. Anyway, they trapped me in a dead end, and tried to stab me, but I managed to dodge it and take his knife from him. In fear, I just started stabbing him, but he wouldn't die, so I kept on stabbing the same place over and over. It felt real, and I swear I could feel the knife going through skin, the muscle and hitting the bones.


    It. Was. Horrible.

  18. Yep...

    At least you can call your family, such. I've got some annoying woman lounging across MY couch, watching MY tv, in MY house. :¬: erughgh she makes me shudder. jbfdjbfdjbf.


    I'm sure it'll go quick, if you occupy yourself with something. :)

  19. Your sister wants to show off her figure? Er... what is she, vain?

    Sounds like something you'd see on a comedy film :lol: hope no one buries anyone alive.

    My grandparents just came round and gave me a card for my GCSEs. :)

  20. Oh god, family reunions?

    Never had one of them - it's usually weddings, or birthdays. I guess theyre reunions... kinda...


    Have a good time if you can. :^:

  21. Delete the corrections, I've got them saved, and I plan to look at them today. :^:

  22. I'll be heading offline now. Hopefully I'll be able to wake up early and keep a sleep pattern for college... I've slowly been regaining my hours of sleep. :)


    Goodnight and good talking!

  23. I'll do all of that tomorrow, no problem. Which means I'll also have to read through HOPs finished piece, too, before anything's 'finished'.

    And the summary.

  24. Nah, I don't share that opinion with you. Whilst it is strange that people are talking in different languages around you, they are entitled to speak how they want/dress how they want/act how they want, as long as it isn't directly harming another person (like murder or something >_>)


    If I went into another country, I'd be heartbroken if I had to stop speaking English except for in my own home/relatives houses. In English, I have a wide vocab., but in other languages I'd likely only be a commoner who knew the basics of thier languages.


    I couldn't do that.

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