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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Ok. I will have time tomorrow to reskin the tantive iv and executor

  2. Why did you post a wip?

  3. Sorry to be a pest but if I could, could I get that module today or tomorrow?

  4. Hey, yea I've been busy but i'm sure I can offer some help to your mod still



  5. There is a tut on making your sabers upgradable. It should answer your questions.

  6. Me thinks I found a way to make our mod work. Needs some testing first though.

  7. Hey, sure I would love to.

  8. @ your comment on my pic:


    Yea, based it kinda on your area. It is amazing. It helped me get better, trying to copy stuff you made in your latest module.

  9. Hey, I think we should change Shilioh's(sorry if i spelled it wrong) character. His personality. I think we should make him an "epic" villain, not a "clown" as you described him.

  10. Yup. They shall all die by my robotic hand!

  11. Hey, how many polys does your latest area have? Im making an area and im starting to get high, but i don't think its close to yours, Just want to be sure, no need to needlessly crash my game :p

  12. Hey, have time to test something for me?


  14. Need a mine exterior model for anything?

  15. Hey, could you do me a favor? Could you tell me everything you know about nihilius before TSL?

  16. Hey, im re-texturing keldabe. Care to come to hiss? I got some sexy textures to show you.

  17. I changed it to a more.... less repetitive texture (1024X1024)


    EDIT: i made a new wall texture. i think its good for now...




  18. Hey, time for your first (or atleast in a long time) assignment for the team:

    Make a ghosty sith skin for k1 using the default dark jedi.

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