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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. Hey, thanks for the tip, ill look into it.


    Oh, and im still trying to make a better grass texture



    EDIT: I just found a good texture site, with lots of em, and its free



  2. K1, for CG. ill send you a pm once its uploaded

  3. im having the module problem again. The one I had with the station. Could I send you a module file to see if stuff shows up for you?

  4. loh? Could you test something now?

  5. Hey, do you think you could write a tutorial on making the mod file for new areas? What fields to edit ect

  6. Hey, im almost done with a new version of keldabe.

  7. I think im getting better.



    Thats ingame.

  8. Good job on the newest modcast. Although Mrcharlton sounded really young...

  9. Could you unlock the level cap mod thread? I have a possible solution that does NOT involve hacking the exe file. Just 2da files.

  10. I listened to the modcast. Nice job!

  11. Do you have to pay them?

  12. Have I seen this right, you contacted actual KotOR voice actors and they SAID YES?

  13. Well any help is great, im trying to add ramps.


    Oh, I've been working on that factory. Its really starting to look nice. I'm going to have to retexture the area. Its beginning to look too much like sleheyron :p


    All it really needs now i think is a fixed walkmesh, a reskin, and lightmaps.

  14. I was thinking cuz "why would all the clans be fighting on one planet?"


    Those were the 2 planets I thought about including.



  15. Hey, does the walkmesh need to be one objects (could I have 2 parts that intersect but are not "connected" so I could go from one to another?)


    Ok, ill change up the factory up a bit.

  16. I could help you on your mod by answering questions. I know (to an extent) every area of modding. Feel free to ask!

  17. Any suggestions?

  18. Hey, if, for your quests, you need another building or 2 added to the area I would be happy to add it.


    Here's a map for you:


  19. Yes. I was planning on making new area models.

  20. See, the reason I asked was I was thinking about adding Concord Dawn to CG.

  21. Hey, do you think we should add the quest "Uniting the Clans" for CG be an interplanetary quest and only have it semi on mandalore?

  22. I need as much feedback as possible. The more people searching for glitches the more of a chance we will find em.

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