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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. http://g.imagehost.org/download/0083/area


    It works!!! need to fix it a bit but still.


    How do you fix texture stretching when it looks normal in max?

  2. I got the area for TLO working mostly. Its almost done too!

  3. Still getting the error. Should I try to re-make it?

  4. Still crashed. Any other ideas?

  5. Thats probably my problem in 90% of my modules. Thanks. Ill look into it.

  6. Check TLO group.

  7. any ideas on my new problem?

  8. Hey, do you still want a page on my website?

  9. Your 2 months older than me. Curse you!


  10. Hey, do I need walls for my walkmesh? Or do I just need the floor?

  11. Ya. The Lost Ones, Yat's mod

  12. Hows your mod coming?

  13. Hey, check out TLO group

  14. Hey, if you get a chance, could you check out my module? Its hurting my brain.

  15. Cool, thanks. Oh, are you in TLO social group? Im about to post an update if you are.

  16. where's that? Never seen it.

  17. You still didn't tell me!



    How'd you make your avatar?

  18. Hey. I am almost done with the model for tlo you asked me to make.

  19. You didn't tell me you changed your name!

  20. Alright, thanks! I can't wait to finish up my area. CG must live on!

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