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Status Updates posted by Canderis

  1. I will need the model names, also I can't do the mask. I am not quite sure how. It would be done in the heads.2da file.

  2. I am a little confused by the files you sent me. Do you want me to make it so it replaces the existing one or make a new entry?

  3. feel free to ask questions.

  4. Well anyways click on any box on the far left (prob best to click on the one that shares the same model as what you skinned) Right click on it and click on copy row. Next scroll down to the bottom and click on the first row in. Type a random letter in it and the right click on the very first one in and click on paste row. You should then click on modelb/texb they are the clothes, modela/texa are the underwhere, don't know what the rest are, might look into that though. In modelb you type in the name of the model minus the extension and in texb you put in the name of the texture file. Hope that helps!

  5. Can you add this image to the top of my gimping for dummy's tut-dummys.png

  6. Do you know how to copy entries?

  7. I process things differently too having dyslexia, I actually taught myself to 2da edit actually. What exactly are you doing? I am over in team hssiss's chatbox now so if you want faster responses come over there.

  8. Lol that is good.

  9. It was the first thing I learned. So... good?

  10. Sweet, all I got was an airsoft gun...

  11. Happy Birthday HK, what'd ya get?

  12. Thanks, and yea my b-day was the 14.

  13. If ya need any module placing help pm me. I'd be happy to help.

  14. Oh i just remembered one, I need that Sith-y skin of the Jedi council chambers.

  15. Just took a look at the blades. They are excellent, I would just like em scaled down a bit.

  16. Sry about no feedback yet, i was in Iowa all of today and yesterday and haven't had time, ill test em in the next 30 min.

  17. Well i got good around December, i had a few ones here and there that where good before then though.

  18. Gona test in like 5 min, just finished a new drawing.

  19. Pm yat. He is the one in need LOL

  20. Sweet! I would love if you made em. Thanks for offering.

  21. If you sometimes want to chat with someone because nothing seems to be happening on LF(like now) drop over at http://teamhssiss.proboards.com/index.cgi (please, its been empty for over 3 hours and i am sooooo bored.

  22. he has em. Well some, just the big axe and pistol.

  23. Good to know your almost free, since the demand for module skins at TH have increased I had to learn how. It has worked out.... mostly..

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