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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Sorry I didn't reply; yesterday the internet router died. -_- Got it back last night. Haven't replied today because I've been asleep most of it--I've got a fever. :/


    So, now that the full extent of my unluckiness has been expounded unto you, what're you up to? :D


    And yes, I shall be most happy to join your group. :xp: Just don't look at me strangely if I have no clue what you're talking about! :lol:

  2. Sorry I haven't replied 'till now. Forgot to check here. o_0


    I'll probably be able to work on it tomorrow. :) (Anni says she's beta'ing the 3rd chapter now. :))

  3. Sorry, 'tis the vernacular where I'm from. :)


    So, what have you been up to?

  4. Sorry, had to log off.


    Yea, some ppl on these forums need to lose a little of their 'imagination'.


    Anyway, about the patches. They're making one with a bunch of extra skins for the PS3/360, mainly the ones that the last gen consoles had. :xp: The only confirmed ones so far are Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Kit Fisto, and Ki-Adi Mundi. (I'm hoping they have Juno Eclipse and Asajj Ventress, or any other girl characters. To me, at least, it's a ton of fun to slice n' dice things as a girl. :D) The second patch is going to put in the Jedi Temple level, and I heard that there are supposed to be more coming.


    I'll try to find a link to an article about it. :)

  5. Sorry, I can't. Still have math and science to do. :/


    I'll be there as soon as I can.

  6. Sorry, I didn't mean to give the impression I was knitting. I can't knit if my life depends on it! I'm more into needles. :xp: It's pretty fun--just have to be in the right mood.


    Oh, the next Sri chapter's up. :D

  7. Sure, I'll go look at it right now! :)


    Grrr...doncha hate double agents? Oh, well, I suppose it's fun--err--getting rid of 'em! :D


    I might join the Doctors of Lucasforums. :) I'll take a look at it.

  8. Tennessee FTW!!!!! :xp:


    I'm doing schoolwork. More specifically, algebra and science. It's slow goin'. :/

  9. Thank you for putting down the axe!!!! :xp:


    The Sri chapter is going just like it was before--slowly. I've had to rewrite the entire thing twice, trying to get her reactions to certain things right. Honestly, I'm thinkin' about goin' with my original version!!!!! Anni'll be annoyed, but still--I have to get this chapter out soon!!!! :eek:

  10. Thank you very much! :xp:


    Oh, Doc and Adavardes saw your comment on the thread and this one. They were quite pleased! :D

  11. Thank you! :xp:


    Now watch. I'll finish it, and Andurilblade won't like it. :/ (That's what usually holds up these chapters, but--oh, well, I need it.)

  12. Thanks for the tip! I'll keep that in mind! :xp:


    I'm wishing for a PS2 controller converter for Christmas, so it should be a lot easier to play BF1 on the comp soon. :) I just can't master the PC controls...

  13. Thanks, Shem. :) Frankly, I don't give a flip about it right now--if I'm not sure it's legit, I can't justify downloading it. And, also, since I know zip about IP addresses, I probably wouldn't be any closer to knowing if it was true even if I saw the info. :lol:


    Thanks again!

  14. Thanks. :)


    So. Anyway. How are ya?

  15. That's kinda sneaky! :lol:


    I'm fine. How're you?

  16. That's not good. :( Being sick stinks.


    I'm sure your family will like the presents very much! :xp: I'm still getting them. :(

  17. The 'million American lives' that FDR claimed would be lost by an invasion of Japan is, according to military experts, a completely ficticious number. It would actually have been closer to 40,000.


    An invasion of Japan wouldn't have been necessary, anyway. Japan's navy and resources were destroyed. America had practically every battleship in the world available to blockade Japan. They would've had to surrender--not to mention the fact that they were ready to surrender, anyway.


    For more complete, sourced information, I sincerely recommend that you read World War II: The Rest of the Story and How It Affects You Today by Richard J. Maybury. Also, you might want to read The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History by Thomas Woods. In fact, any and all of the 'Uncle Eric' series by Richard Maybury is good, especially since they kinda build on one another. :lol: They cover economics and history.

  18. The Borg? Weak???????


    Dude, you need to lay off that coffee. 0_0


    :lol: I dunno, I think the Borg are that much more fearsome since Voyager got into them. Of course, I'm only in season six, so I don't know how they're gonna end it off. But, so far, the Borg are mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

  19. The foot of snow outside is finally melting. That's about it.



  20. The Red-hatted league? Is that anything like the red-headed league? :lol:


    And no, I don't like Sherlock Holmes. :lol:

  21. TOMB RAIDER!!!!!!!!!


    I finished it a couple days ago--it was so great, but it was so sad!!! :eek: Argh. What was I expecting? It a Tomb Raider game! Of course it's gonna be sad!!! :xp:


    But yea. The only bad thing about it is the lack of a replay level feature--just has a revisit level feature. That means all the enemies are dead, all the puzzles are solved, all the doorways are open--while I can't say I'm sorry the sharks are dead (especially in the last level. I swear, there were at least fifteen sharks there! :eek:), I wanted to redo the puzzles. :( So, in a few days, I'm gonna brave the sharks once more and replay it!


    So, how iz you? :D

  22. Tomorrow is just fine. :) I should be able to get on just about anytime!


    My Christmas was quite good, thank you. :) Got a couple games I've been wanting. Actually beat the first level in one of 'em. :lol:


    You have a good Christmas?

  23. Tonight, I get to be a traveler instead of Mary. I'm very happy, 'cuz I can be cynical and frown sometimes instead of having to keep a smile on my face. Actually, I think the only reason people liked me as Mary was because I didn't have a look on my face like Little Bo Peep. :lol: I'm not going to enjoy freezing tonight while walking around, but at least I can be grouchy! :D


    So, how are you? :)

  24. Touche'. :lol:


    So, how's the next chapter of Shreds of a Dying Belief coming along?

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