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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Well, that'd be a problem. :lol:


    Hope you can think of one soon! :)

  2. Well, the nativity thing is done. I'm free! :D It was pretty fun making fun of the shepards, though. :lol:


    Good luck with your games! :)

  3. Well, the new laptop cord got here!


    Guess what?


    They sent me the wrong one.


    So I'm still Sri-less. I'm getting desperate! I might just start writing it without all the names and hints and plot reminders I have stashed away! (sigh) Guess I shouldn't complain. At least I have a couple other fan fics to write away on while Sri is unaccessable. Hmm, I wonder if I should post one of them?


    Can't wait for your next chap. :D

  4. Well, then I better switch back to normal English. :D


    How goes the battle?

  5. Well, they were supposed to be special for the last gen, but I guess the 360/PS3 owners compalined so much they decided to release a patch. :lol:


    I saw a video of one of the historical missions on the PSP (Luke and Vader, Bespin). It wasn't very impressive.

  6. Well, today I started school back. >_< Since my mom travels a lot during the school year, she decided to begin early. So...I'm about to go do my math. :lol:


    Anyway, I've given up SWG and replaced it with WoW. I sorta miss SWG, but whenever I get onto it, I look around for something else to do, and...well, I've done everything I'm interested in, hehe. :o WoW, despite its bad reputation, is kinda fun, as long as you ignore the chat channels. ;)


    Well, soon I'll have to get a new beta reader, 'cuz Ani is headin' off to college in a few weeks. Until then, I'll write. :lol:


    The other night, I had a wild thought and I was tired, so I wrote a short story. Now I'm trying to decide whether to post it or add it to my 'wait until appropriate Javyar's' list. :lol: I'm probably just gonna post it...I've had several pieces waiting for a while, and I don't want to wait to get some opinions! :lol:

  7. Well, we just studied the Civil War with a book called The War Between the States: America's Uncivil War by John J. Dwyer. It's excellent. Contrary to common belief, Lincoln wasn't a saint. In fact--actually, I better not get started on the Civil War! :lol: (And no, I don't think slavery's okay. ;)) Okay, one last thing--John Wilkes Booth shouldn't have killed Lincoln. There was absolutely no reason for it. The war was over. His action just caused more suffering for the South. :(


    Anyhoo...I just finished listening to the first Tomb Raider soundtrack. It wasn't very good. Most of the tracks were the cutscenes, complete with voices. :/ The rest of it was a bit...tinny. :D Oh, well, what was I expecting? The later ones'll be better. :D

  8. Well...I'm not really sure. :/ For me it was getting a 103 fever, but I don't recommend it. :p


    Ask Jae! She'll understand! :xp:

  9. When you play the assault mode, you gotta play it with the sound on, at least the first couple of times. :)


    I'm still trying to figure out the reason I can aim better on the PS2. It should be easier with the 'point and shoot, point and shoot' thing. :lol:

  10. Where have I been? In a house surrounded with a foot and a half of snow, which did not melt, as I thought it was. -_-


    How's ASA comin'? Argh, well...I have the second half of the chapter down where I want it, but the first half is still pretty terrible. :/ I'm thinkin' about making a summary of the first half and posting the second half with it. Awful, I know...but I'm flat out stuck. :(


    So, you liked the pic Anni posted of Sri? Doesn't really look a whole lot like her, but it's close enough. :D

  11. Whoa...I think some people need something better to do with their money... :eyepop


    The scary part is--someone actually thought of making those. :eyepop

  12. Whoa...yea, you've been doing a heck of a lot more useful things than me. I'm just doing school/writing a little, nothin' like what you're doing.


    I know whatcha mean about the video game thing--my parents are still pretty wary about video games in general. My sisters will get me a game or two for my birthday/Christmas, but the rest are out of my own pocket. :lol:


    Good luck at the student convention! :)

  13. wOOt! We iz done with the reconstruction! :xp:


    And soon we get World War I... :rolleyes:

  14. Would you stop that?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!


    I might see it some time. When I have nothing to do. :p

  15. Wow, it hurts just to look at that! :lol:


    This is why I prefer consoles over PCs. :p

  16. Wow, that was random. :lol:


    So, how ya doin'--besides sneezing, that is. :xp:

  17. Writing on a character essay. That's 'bout it. And I'm about to go to bed. That reminds me, first I better make some tea to wake myself up tomorrow morning. :)


    You? Well, tomorrow, when you'll probably read this? :p

  18. Yea, but I don't know when those are going to come or how much they're going to cost. Since the library has it, I might go ahead and get it from there...


    Of course, by the time it lands in my hot little hands, the patches will already be out! :lol:

  19. Yea, but I hate Mace Windu. :p


    And Boba was thrown into the Sarlaac by a blind man. :p

  20. Yea, even if something is wrong, they should be able to fix it. If something was really, really bad wrong, then his chest pain would probably be a lot more painful.


    Oh, The Last Samurai music! Man, that's a sad movie... :cry8: Good luck with your pics! :xp:

  21. Yea, got rid of it, finally. Then I caught another one. :lol:


    So, how've you been?

  22. Yea, I am. I've decided that the best thing to do for presents this year is buy them, 'cuz I can't come up with anything else. :(


    What movie did you watch? I usually like sad movies...usually. :lol:

  23. Yea, I am.


    I'm not quiet sure how the whole 'spring break' thing is supposed to work, either. All I know is that everyone seems to get it. :lol:


    But yea. My breaks are a couple weeks at Christmas and a sort of partial break in the summer.


    So, what've you been up to?

  24. Yea, I do have it on my profile... :rolleyes:


    So, how iz ya? :)

  25. Yea, I heard. :xp: If there are some good mods for it, I might just get it for my computer. :p


    Any news on when it's comin' out?

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