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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Yes, actually, I have. :) The other day I watched The Phantom of the Opera (2004 version). I usually hate musicals, but I liked this one fine.


    What've you been up to?

  2. Yes, grumpy traveler is definitely more fun!!! :D


    Ah, shopping trips! Good to talk to someone who hates 'em as much as I do! :xp: I learned the book thing about the time I learned to read. The others--well, I'm lousy at drawing, I always have no expression on my face, and I don't have an MP3 player. ;) Bringing the laptop always helps, too!


    Well, I went on a marathon session of my PS3 today. I played the next half of a very long level on Tomb Raider, did MORE tutorials on Lair, played The Force Unleashed, played the Mirror's Edge demo twice, and played the Lord of the Rings: Conquests demo online. It was very fun, and my mum didn't mind, since I had to do Mary yesterday! :lol:


    Oh, y'know what we probably need to do soon? Replace our avatars with the non-Christmassy versions. :lol:

  3. Yes, I am an excellant friend, aren't I? (tips nose into air)




    Thanks. :p

  4. Yes, I am. :D Quite excited. :D


    Yup, DS9 is finished!!!!! :xp: What, exactly, do you want to know about it? :D

  5. Yes, they are. :D I gotta get that game from the library! :xp: I want to get Legend too, but, wouldn't ya know it, all the copies for PS2 are missing!!!!! :/


    So, how far are you now? Or have you had a chance to watch further yet? :xp:

  6. Yes, watch past the credits on the other two, too! :xp:


    Ah, the one in AWE...second time we watched it, we hung around in the theater through those (long) credits. Annoyed the employees somethin' awful doin' that. :lol:

  7. Yes, yes, I'm doing it now! :xp:


    Edit: Well...Chev, I just took a look at it. I don't think that's the club for me, considering that a) I have absolutely no clue who the characters are and b) I feel extremely uncomfortable with anything concerning homosexuals. I think I'll pass. :/ (Sorry)

  8. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next chapter of TFP is up!!!!!!!!!!!! :emodanc:


    Np about the wait. I totally understand. :)


    Hope you like Sri!

  9. Yes. You did forget. (looks at Chev disapprovingly)


    Well, I am doing TONS of schoolwork. -_- And writing when I can.


    Oh, yea. I just got a couple awesome video games from the library. :p

  10. Yes...yes, it was. ;)


    Well, I've just started working on another RPG from the TOR forums. What we're doing to keep in touch is actually kinda cool, IMO. One of the guys found out how to make his own free forum, so we have our own forum! :xp: I promised the site admin I'd ask my online friends if they wanted to join. Sending you a PM with the details. :)


    PS: Don't feel like you have to join if you don't want to.


    PSS: I voted!

  11. You better hope that's your own nose!!! ;)


    Good thing to be doin'. :)

  12. You do realize that you use the :D smilie a lot, don't you? :lol:


    Well, my laptop was like...ten years old, so it ain't comin' back. :( I'm trying to acclimate to this old laptop of my sister's. It's a lot different...harder to type on...etc....etc....etc.... :lol:


    Gratz on your uncle getting married, btw. :)

  13. You don't have to delete it. Mach would probably like it a lot. :)


    I can say goodbye to Disciple!? WOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! :D

  14. You don't? :p


    *pulls out lightsaber*

  15. You finished it? Already!?!?!?!?!?!


    So, nothing's new. Seriously. Nothing at all is new.



  16. You got a new computer? Great! :xp: I'm glad you're enjoying your stuff! :D


    Well, I ended up getting Lair and Tomb Raider Underworld! :) I tried playing TR last night after everyone had gone to bed, but that game is like "Let's take everything that Endo is afraid of and put it in a game, shall we?" :lol: Let's see...first level, I'm diving very, very deep into the sea. Guess what? There are sharks! :eek: I just studied sharks in biology, so I'm automatically aiming for the heart--not that that makes any difference :lol:--but they just sneak up on me! Seriously, I gotta have eyes all around my head, on top of my head, and on my chin if I'm gonna see 'em coming! I'm very afraid of sharks and deep water. There's just something about the thought of getting eaten down in the cold, dark water... (shudder) I do much better on ground and air. :lol: That's a game that must be played in daylight! :xp: But I've gotta play it soon. Reason? (next profile message--too long :lol:)

  17. You outta write a poem about your dino buddy. :lol: That'd be hilarious.


    I'm too tired to be bored right now. I stayed up all night last night, trying to finish making a bunch of junk. You can tell how I've been all day. :wornout:


    As far as what's going on, this is what I have to do.


    1) Work on the next chapter of Sri.


    2) Finish writing my background chapter for an RPG I was invited to participate in on different forum.


    3) Finish the first chapter of another fic I have in the works.


    4) Stay awake


    The first three? Not a big problem. The last one? Erm...no comment. ;)


    Okay, that's my true horror story for the week. :D


    Oh, BTW, I read your drunk Revan fic.



  18. You saw Pirates!!!! :emodanc:


    Your favorite's AWE? Same here! :xp: That was an incredible movie! (if my parents take me to see a movie twice and it's not Star Wars, you know it's good! :lol:)


    And the ending was so sad! :eek: Poor Elizabeth! And poor Will, but mainly poor Elizabeth! I wanted to cry when we walked out of the theater--I haven't felt like that since the first couple times I saw RotS. :(

  19. You think you're imapatient for Sri? You should see Andurilblade! :lol: I've had her at the worst cliffhanger I've ever put her through! :xp: If it weren't for the fact that I'm the only one who knows where the story's going and all my outlines are under passwords, she'd kill me! :lol:


    Yea, the other site is pretty strict about length. It rather annoys me, 'cuz I've seen other fics that were that short, and they were accepted. :/ Ah, well. I'm probably a few lines short. :(


    What video game are you playing? Whatever it is, good luck with it! :xp:


    Also, good luck with your next chapter!


    Oh, JC: what are you wishing for for Christmas?

  20. You're probably right about the two fics at once thing. Maybe someday, when Sri is developed enough, I can pull it off, but probably not now. Only if that cord takes a week or two to get here. :lol:


    More Gina stuff! (claps) YES! I love Gina! :xp:


    I better get the next Sri thing out soon, or everyone's gonna lose interest. I think I'll go write on it, even without the 'handy-dandy hints' I have stashed on my poor laptop. See ya!

  21. You're stuck on a title? Ugh, I hate not being able to think of a title... :(


    I am...sitting here. Waiting for my lunch to finish cooking. Watching an old show while my dog chews on my feet. :p



  22. Yup, I am. We got sick of DS9.


    I dunno, I liked Voyager, even before the Borg got there. Maybe it was Janeway. She's just such a good captain! Kes was okay in some episodes, but she got really annoying there near the end of season 3. Neelix is definitely better without his whole jealosy thing. I like that Tom and B'elana (probably spelled that wrong :lol:) like each other now. And Harry finally got freaked out enough by the object of his latest crush that he might be over his adolescent hormonal crisis (thank goodness! :xp:)


    Seven is just an awesome character. With The Raven she actually made an emo episode that I really, truly liked. And she's smart, brutally frank, can break someone's arm with no trouble whatsoever, and she actually said, "Logic is irrelevant"! That's one way to tick off Tuvok. :lol:


    But...yea. I like Voyager. :) Much better than DS9.

  23. Yup, it was fun! :xp: I got both of the PS3 games I wanted--haven't gotten to play 'em yet, 'cuz my mum is using the TV ATM, but I have some Star Wars figurines to open!


    We're just celebrating early. We already had everything wrapped and under the tree, so...yea. My dad decided that we should do Christmas early. :)

  24. Yup, my question is answered, thanks! :xp:


    And thanks for the complement on my avvy. :D

  25. Yup, soon as it's done, I'm going to stick it in the 'completed' thread. :)


    Well, I'm supposed to write an outline of the story, but I'm too lazy to do that. (and none of my outlines ever make sense ;)) What I do for all my stories is just sit down and start writing. I always know what happens at the beginning, so I go ahead and write the first chapter. Then, if I like the first chapter, I write the second chapter. Before I even started posting anything, (or knew that there was a good place to post it) I'd written somewhere around fifteen chapters and a hundred pages of stuff that happens to my heroine later in the story.


    With another one of my stories that I haven't posted, I'm about ten chapters into it, with thirty or forty pages of extra stuff.


    Oh, yea. There's one other story. I've written three books of about fifty chapters/five hundred pages each, along with fiften chapters of the next one and two-three hundred pages of later content.


    Can you tell I have way too much time on my hands? :lol:


    There ya go. My two cents on writing. :)


    Glad you haven't been sick in a while! :D

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