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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Dang...I tried to get max exp for about a year and a half. Then I gave up and used the cheat. :lol: If only I could play Serra Keto in the actual levels!!! Then I could get everything! :xp:

  2. Depends on the mood I'm in. If I'm on a roll, I can get a fifty-page chapter written in a day, no problem. If I'm not in the mood, it can take over a week just to get the rough-draft done. :/ How long do you generally take to write a chapter?

  3. Depends on what it is. Ask away. :)

  4. Did he serve in the army?

  5. Doc, something just came up, and I'm not gonna be around tomorrow. Sorry. :/

  6. Doesn't every sane person? :xp:

  7. Eating supper and writing. That's it.

  8. Ehhh....(reposts note in mind)

  9. Erm...yea, that sounds like a good reason to be afraid. :eyepop

  10. Err...nope. :p Anything change with you?

  11. Err..I think so. :lol: All I know is that I have a PS3 and it only hooks up to one TV in the house. (Yea, I'm real technical. ;))

  12. Errr...to be quite honest, I don't remember, hehe. :o

  13. Errr...who's Billy Mays? :lol:

  14. Favorite part of the LoTR trilogy...tough one! I think...the Pellinor fields. :) Lot's of fighting! :xp:

  15. Fool! I can levitate! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (rises from the chasm and Force Pushes Chev off said cliff)

  16. Fool! That's a fake freighter! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. Glad you're hand's healing! :xp: I hate sprains. :¬:

  18. Go to sleep! Now! If you haven't already by the time you read this! :eyepop

  19. Go watch Serenity. ;) Actually, I just watched it.

  20. Good, good! :D And how are you? :)

  21. Got it! I'll have to include a bit of the conversation before it so it'll make sense. Y'see, these two people just got married. I'll mention no names, so don't worry about spoilers. :xp:

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