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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. I have the PS3 version. I'm thinking about renting the PS2 version, just to see the extra levels. Think I should?

  2. I haven't played the Underworld demo. It never came out for the PS3. :/ Still, I've watched a bunch of gameplay clips, and it looks great! :xp: My sis says it's a little wierd that I want this game, though--I hate heights! :lol:

  3. I haven't seen that either, so I can't comment once again. :lol:

  4. I iz fine:D Haz u ben busy? :D

  5. I iz good. :p Proofreading the next Sri chapter. :p It's waaaay too long. :p

  6. I just got through with what I had to do, and I'll be there in one minute--hopefully you're still there, lol. If not, the PM is fine. :)

  7. I just posted the short story. It's called 'All the Time'. If ya have a chance, go read it. :)

  8. I just watched the trailer for it--it looks pretty danged good! :) I'll still wait for the library to get it before I see it, or I might watch it on the 'net.

  9. I know nothing about computers. :lol: I'll have to take a course on it eventually, but...I'll do it next year. :D

  10. I know the feeling. :( I hate and despise that feeling. Gets on my nerves. :(

  11. I know, but it takes a looooooong time to go through it. :p

  12. I know. Still don't like Windu/Jackson. :p

  13. I like violent games, generally, but not M-rated violence. They're usually just disgusting...haven't found one I really, truly like. :/

  14. I look forward to reading yours! Your stuff's always interesting. :D

  15. I may have to take you up on your kind offer, but I'd hate to ruin anything for you. :( After all, you're the Dark Lord of Annoyance!

  16. I prefer Star Wars images, meself. :p

  17. I see your point--I just don't agree with it. :lol:

  18. I simply sat at home, played a video game, and watched Voyager. :)

  19. I strictly listen to music only when I'm writing and I need 'insperation' and when I'm abou tot fall over because I'm so sleepy! :lol:

  20. I think I'm finally getting the controls of the stupid motorbike in TR:U down. So, I just finished killing lots of really, REALLY big spiders. :eek:

  21. I thought Javyar's had to be a Star Wars fic? :confused:

  22. I was terrible. :/ The whole series was pretty lousy, but that episode was the worst.

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