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Everything posted by Endorenna

  1. Glad I'm entertaining! :lol:


    Well, to tell you the truth, I don't know where the red-hatted league is going! :xp:

  2. Hi! :D Welcome to the club!

  3. 'ello. :) How goes the red-hat front?

  4. Just finished reading it. I'll post on it tomorrow. Right now I'm really, reeeeeaaaaally tired. :dozey:

  5. Thanks for the FYI! :) I'll go check it out.

  6. Yea, it's 1000 posts. Gratz on the junior membership! :xp:


    What do you have BF2 for, PC or a console?

  7. Okay, thanks! :) I'll keep my eye on my profile messages! :D

  8. Okey-dokie. :) Thanks for the heads-up! :xp:

  9. Mind if I add a few pics? :xp:

  10. THE FIRST GALACTIC EMPIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. Ah, why not? :xp:


    Besides, it'll give me incentive to modify my sig. You'll never guess what I have planned...:lol:

  12. 'Cuz my sis likes him so much...honestly, if she tells me all the details of his 'Case of the Axe-murdering Wife-beating Psychopath' or something like that, I'll scream. :lol:

  13. The Red-hatted league? Is that anything like the red-headed league? :lol:


    And no, I don't like Sherlock Holmes. :lol:

  14. Yea, that's a mod. Kit Fisto was a patch for the Xbox players, I believe, and Asajj Ventress came with him. But you could probably find them in a mod somewhere too. After all, who doesn't want to be the fish-man or the bald Sith! :lol:


    And ain't it funny how those lines work? :xp:


    Gratz on the legendaries! :D And good luck online!

  15. Aye, Stormie Clause! :xp:

  16. Aww, that stinks. :(


    You could get another avatar and plop a Santa hat on. :)

  17. Thank you! :lol: 'Twas fun making it!

  18. Thank you! :xp: So, now we have the Stormie Clause and Lizzie Clause! :lol:

  19. Just gimme a little while...

  20. Whaaaaaaaat!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Oh, now I've gotta do it. :D

  21. Ah, well. Couldn't figure out how to do it. I am sooooo lame with Photoshop... :lol:

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