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Status Updates posted by Endorenna

  1. Nah, I'm not really a sports person. (shrug) Was never any good at anything like that. Too short! :lol:

  2. Never heard of him, hehe. :o

  3. No, but I'm gonna get it in a couple days. ;)

  4. No, I haven't either. :/

  5. No, nothing exciting. Just...busy! :lol:

  6. No, you don't. Voyager is such an awesome series, you do NOT want it ruined!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. No; the Borg'd spit Neelix out and let him destroy Voyager. :lol: Hey, he almost does about twenty times in the series!

  8. No! :lol: Just tell me what yours is!

  9. Nope, 'fraid not. Just heard a very little about 'em.

  10. Nope, can't say I have.

  11. Nope, never did Osay/Celeb.

  12. Not officially...but they seem to always be clean...unless they're dead...;) They also seem to never lose their balance, or miss a jump, or miss a shot (unless a dwarf is involved ;)), and several other little things. What's fun is writing a story about an elf who gets dirty and grimy and bloody, and she gets angry, and she's sarcastic and has a sense of humor, and she's basically anything but the perfect elf. :lol:

  13. Not really. Pirates of the Caribbean Online's having a Thanksgiving thing for the next four days. My friend is gonna give me a critique of ASA next week. That's the closest thing to exciting goin' on around here! :lol:

  14. Not yet. Getting a little better, though. :)

  15. Nothin' much; just paintin' your profile a vile shade of vomit green while you're painting mine pink, thinking that the dummy on the floor is me, asleep. :D

  16. Nothing so drastic. ;) I beat the next level and a half of Tomb Raider, and I wrote a lot. That's it. :)

  17. Np. :) Pretty much whenever you're ready/have time is fine.

  18. Nuttin' at all. It's very boring around here. Christmas presents, Christmas presents, and more Christmas presents. Anything new with you?

  19. Nuttin' much. Just reading some old fan fiction in the CEC.

  20. Of course! :lol: I take it you are too?

  21. Of course! That's the point of conquering the world!!! :xp:

  22. Oh, almost forgot. Be sure to check the Javvy's Cantina thing. JM has a question about the topic for you.

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