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Everything posted by Endorenna

  1. Yup, twenty-three VERY long days ahead! Well, at least there's Christmas break ahead.

  2. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The next chapter of TFP is up!!!!!!!!!!!! :emodanc:


    Np about the wait. I totally understand. :)


    Hope you like Sri!

  3. I'm annoyed. I got the demo installed fine and everything, and I got on it, and I started playing, and--laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. You would not believe how laggy it was. I set all the graphics on low, and it still lagged like crazy! It wouldn't respond to the mouse, etc. About the time I finished out-swimming the sharks, I just couldn't stand it anymore and shut it down. :(


    Well--just twenty-three days! :xp:


    Twenty-three days! :freakout: Dang, I better get to work!

  4. Well, as I always say, different strokes for different folks! :lol:


    Just got the demo installed, so I'm gonna go play it! Be back in a few! :xp:

  5. Yea, playstations are the only ones I can use well.


    I take it you use Xbox?

  6. I'm teeeerrrible with anything but the PS2/3 controls, lol. Never can pull off Xbox controls. :/ (small hands, lol)


    Yea, Dark Side is awesome! :xp: Always! ESPECIALLY in Force Unleashed! It's fun torturing stormtroopers! :xp:


    I must admit, I've never played a zombie game. :lol:


    I think I will download that demo. I downloaded the LEGO Indiana Jones demo for PC, and I managed to get down the controls after a few times through. Of course, I expect this to be considerably harder...


    What games do you play a lot?

  7. Oh, well--guess it's like Force Unleashed. You know what my favorite part is?


    A jump of about--let's see, in real life terms, it would be about--500-1000 ft. deep. Fun! :xp:


    And then, of course, I get to work my way back up. :lol:


    I saw some advertisement for the Left 4 Dead game. It looked okay, but I don't really like cooperative gameplay. I had my fill of it with the At World's End game. Man, those places were nightmares...


    I saw that the Underworld Demo is out for the PC. I might just download it and try it out, even though I'm lame with the PC controls. That's why I need a PS2 controller converter! :lol:

  8. I haven't played the Underworld demo. It never came out for the PS3. :/ Still, I've watched a bunch of gameplay clips, and it looks great! :xp: My sis says it's a little wierd that I want this game, though--I hate heights! :lol:

  9. Oh, like Empire at War. :)


    Well, I've been looking at a game called Lair for a long time, so I'm wishing for that, and I'm also wishing for Tomb Raider: Underworld. There's a movie, and a PS2 controller adapter. That's 'bout it. Enough for my relatives and my parents to all give me something. :)

  10. You think you're imapatient for Sri? You should see Andurilblade! :lol: I've had her at the worst cliffhanger I've ever put her through! :xp: If it weren't for the fact that I'm the only one who knows where the story's going and all my outlines are under passwords, she'd kill me! :lol:


    Yea, the other site is pretty strict about length. It rather annoys me, 'cuz I've seen other fics that were that short, and they were accepted. :/ Ah, well. I'm probably a few lines short. :(


    What video game are you playing? Whatever it is, good luck with it! :xp:


    Also, good luck with your next chapter!


    Oh, JC: what are you wishing for for Christmas?

  11. Oh, almost forgot. Be sure to check the Javvy's Cantina thing. JM has a question about the topic for you.

  12. Christmas presents (obviously). I'm at an impasse right now. For some reason, my pieces aren't fitting! I assembled one of the boxes last year, and it worked perfectly. :( And I've decided to drop the SA costume for now.


    Other than that, I'm a) writing the next chapter of Sri b) writing the next chapter of Sri at the point Andurilblade's at ('bout chapter fifteen) c) writing down scene ideas for my other stories d) watching 3 series of Star Trek e) trying to figure out what to write for Javyar's f) trying to rewrite the prologue of another fan fic of mine that I want to post on another website (they sent it back. said it was too short. I just can't get it right! I liked my original! It was meant to be short! I'm thinking about putting my prologue and my first chapter together) g) Living up to the challenge of getting my staff level on PoTC up to fifteen by the end of the week. There are other things, but I think the list is long enough already. :lol:


    And what are you doing? :)

  13. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:


    Patience is a virtue...but virtue sure can be annoying! :xp:

  14. (sigh) Okay, I suppose I'll have to find out with everybody else...


    Bet it'll be good. :) Maybe I'll even write something for it! :D (I just couldn't think of anything I particularly wanted to write about for the last topic :/)

  15. Darn you, CQ! You're too honest! :xp::lol:



  16. Gratz on winning the Javyar's Cantina! :xp:


    Umm...I, uh...don't suppose...you could, uh...gimme a hint on what the next topic is? (looks around nervously)



  17. Not really. Pirates of the Caribbean Online's having a Thanksgiving thing for the next four days. My friend is gonna give me a critique of ASA next week. That's the closest thing to exciting goin' on around here! :lol:

  18. Good, good! :D And how are you? :)

  19. I can't get on to the scififleets right now, but I can in about...twenty minutes or so. BRT!


    And WILL ruin your wish!

  20. (Pulls out a lightsaber amd deflects the shots back) I'm a Sith Lord! A mere blaster cannot defeat me!

  21. Sorry! :o I can't get on right now, but I'll be on ASAP!

  22. Remember that friend I mentioned on the Scififleet? Well, right now, I'm reformatting everything I've written for Sri, Rift, and somethin' else to print off and give to her. Takes for-ever.

  23. Fool! That's a fake freighter! Muahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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