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Status Updates posted by Yar-El

  1. :) Sure. I'm hammering out the details. I'm using the game and books for simplified rules. You will notice some similarities with the console game. I want people to have fun; thus, I'm trying to develop something where its is flexible. I'm going to use the campaign books and stats for inspiration. It will be neat. I promise.
  2. I'm getting ready to create an online table-top Star Wars rpg campaign. Keep your eyes posted. :)

  3. I thought of KotOR when replying to one of our threads. :) I also bought the Enhanced version of Witcher. I'm hoping the game will be rewarding.

  4. Pretty good. Yourself?


    I bought The Witcher. I started to play the game; however, I got into thinking about the first KotOR game. I haven't played the game for a long, long, long time. I'm starting to apprechiate the work BioWare has done to the game. Its similar to being in love for the first time.

  5. Congrats on the fan-fiction award! :)

  6. Congrats on the Fan-Fiction award! :)

  7. I'm getting good money, so I can't complain about the rewards. I also enjoy my work. I can't get passed the long hours though. Yuck-O! I was given three days off to charge up my batteries. R&R!

  8. My head was spinning. No more! No More!!!! :) How is the war across time going? Ha ha ha ha...

  9. I'm doing fine. I finished a three week work-a-thon. Spent 11 hours a day at work.

  10. CommanderQ! Are the troops ready. :)

  11. "...but, let me tell you something about your beloved dark father. He's the one who killed your family. Not the Lycans. Never could follow his own rules. Said he couldn't abide the taste of livestock. So, every once in a while, he went out and gorged himself on human blood. I kept his secrets. Cleaned up the mess. But, it was he who crept room to room dispatching everyone close to your heart. But, when he got to you, he just couldn't bear the thought of draining you dry. You, who reminded him so much of his precious Sonja. The daughter he condemned to death." - Kraven


    "Lies". -Selene

  12. Yes I did. I loved every minute of it. :)

  13. I'm finally back online! :)

  14. Sorry I haven't been around. I will be back online around tuesday. I have been plagued with work, so I haven't had too much time.


    :hugs: I will be back soon.

  15. Sorry I haven't been around. I will be back online around tuesday. I have been plagued with work, so I haven't had too much time.


    :hugs: I will be back soon.

  16. I will be back online on Monday. Yar.

  17. Garfield, you need to take a vacation. Don't worry about Obama so much, and allow him to take his first steps into office. Worrying about his past is no longer an issue; thus, you can't do anything about it now. Be aware there are issues; however, don't get so tangled up in politics. Obama's past and present connections are there for people to see. Give him a chance to mess up or be successful. His actions will speak louder than anyone's critisism. Obama's true nature will be revealed in time. Let him breath. Let us breath.


    Relax. :hugs::)

  18. WHAT!? Where? Do you have a link?

  19. Sorry I didn't get back to you earlier. I've been stuck in the office, and I can't install The Sith Lords at work.

  20. I added another picture to the social group. :)

  21. I added another picture. :)

  22. Its going to be an awsome movie. Doing a prequel was a smart move by the writters.

  23. Uh... Mmmm... Yeah! :D


    ARe YoU EXCiTed? :D

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