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Everything posted by JesusIsGonnaOwnSatan

  1. thanks chev! hows it been going?

  2. thanks, CQ! :D birthday fun is whats up!

    went out for lunch... had a gourmet burger almost the size of my palm. lol, it was gooooood.

  3. lol, i only saw your reply to my message about how i buy games now. you accidentaly posted it in your profile raher than mine. i do it all the time, but then i just copy and paste it into the replyee's profile.

    ill reply to that message, and your new one:



    lol, not bargain bin.. those games are horrible, except for a certain few. i use online auctions. when you do it right, you can get stuff for insane prices. i once bought republic commando, brand new, in original box (not one of those re-releases), with physical manual for $10. it was $35 in stores. and most of my games come in immaculate condition so its all good.



    yeah, im from a conservative background, but its relative. the scale of conservativeness is huge. im somewhere on the conservative side, but i know people who would look at me and think, "*how* can he call himself a christian?!",

    (people that consider tv, games etc to be evil.) and then other christians who would consider me unreasonably conservative.

  4. 4 weeks! how was that? as in the rules? i had to do it saying at least one chapter each time with chapters with 40-59 verses split into two, 60+ split into three, and psalms 119 with was split into five. i could say them with three prompts if i got stuck.



    lol, i just finished psalms today!! :emodanc: (hence me on the computer again). from chapter 30 something last week to 109 today. i had finished 1-30 and 110-150 before that. i also did haggai and 2 john.

    ive done john (the gospel) before.... but *every* book.... how long did that take you?!! :drop2:

  6. no, never heard of it. what is it?

  7. hey sorry for not replying, ive been ultra flat-out the past week, and lf sessions (if any) consisted of quick jump on, jump off things.


    whats new? BUSY. is is BUSY. memorizing bible verses like crazy for a competition thing coming up in a month.

    ow, my brain....

  8. WHA?! "Senior Member"?!!

    no wait.....


    LOL! you cheeky little 1000+ poster, you! :rofl:

  9. one thing id like to see: picture of the group listing in your user cp. should bug the mods for that... heehee

  10. you a christian then? is it some kind of men's conference or something?

  11. i was lookin at cq's profile...


    big church religious thing....? :weirdo:

  12. hey i just found thr subscribe to group button! wooo!!

  13. hey rev,

    i just noticed hayden's sig....

    do you know what happened?

  14. this is totally a situation for which we need jedi.

    totally. :lol:


    what do you think of ol' george bush?

  15. your view is mine.:D

    lol, look at us... discussing environmental issues and politics... o_Q


    well, might as well keep going! :lol:

    israel vs hamas: your opinion?

    me, i like israel... but this is just... "facepalm" yknow? gosh, stop it israel! sure theyve been rocketing you for 6 years but this is just stupid! youre turning the whole world against you! (ah, well that was meant to happen anyhow, i suppose)

  16. ah, America. hmm, you know, "America" could mean north or south america... lol, its why i usually say 'the US' :D

    so what do *you* think about nuclear stuff?

  17. yeah i only buy cds of people i really like. games too: i only buy the ones that i really want to play., so im never in debt :D (i always save up beforehand... and i suppose its easier when i get most of my games for around $20 or >. i got killer deals on mostly all of them)


    lol, dont worry, there are heaps of christians into stuff like that. (but im not one of em ;) )


    im not very much into music actually. ill listen to a bunch of great songs, but i dont really like listening to the same songs again and again. this is why i stopped bothering to listen to the radio... i hated the radiobashing.

  18. its because nz is anti nuclear. they want to maintain their 'clean, green' image.

    lol, its funny because there are two major governmental parties: labour vs national..

    i think labour went and did the anti nuclear thing... and im pretty sure national wants to stuff the law to garner relationships with the US. its led to a couple media field days with a few choice blurts from politicians over the years. lol


    whats the nuke situation in the country your in?

  19. i cant exactly say what i like... i like all sorts of music, and its not confined to one genre. my music taste motto: "if it sounds good, well, it sounds good!"


    cds... buying music online is all well and good, but i personally like having the cd.

    mostly for bands i like... call me oldschool, but i like having all the cds of the band i love; :D


    i cant at this moment, but ill check out vixy.net when i can

  20. hey, you said you were a dj in the itunes without drm thread, which is pretty neat. ;) do you have any stuff i can listen to?

  21. lol, nz doesnt allow US nuclear ships to hand around our bays. so theres this bit of tension between the them.


    hmm im wondering, do posts in social groups get included in a posts count?

    whats annoying is that there is no 'subscribe to group' feature (or maybe i just missed it:xp:). i always forget to go check groups!

  22. yeah! war is so horrible, if they refuse keep it peaceful, we should put nuclear weps-o-mass-destruct. on dormant mode and blow them up before they can blow each other up!

  23. well, ww5 could be in like, 130 years, going two wars in one century like in the 20th.

    enough time for millions do die, come back, die again, and do it again in ww5

  24. neat! i watched this documentary on ww2 called The War. it was re=ather graphic, but very informative. i wonder when ww3 is coming around. some christians think its gonna be when the world ends. but imo, whats to say that war wont be, like, ww5? :eyepop

    what do you think?

  25. i havnt seen riddick. i think i heard hat the movie was a total flop... not sure.

    seen any good movies lately?

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