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Status Updates posted by JesusIsGonnaOwnSatan

  1. neat! i watched this documentary on ww2 called The War. it was re=ather graphic, but very informative. i wonder when ww3 is coming around. some christians think its gonna be when the world ends. but imo, whats to say that war wont be, like, ww5? :eyepop

    what do you think?

  2. no i havnt. my friend likes it just as much as you. :lol: his entire family gets the movies/series out and watches them. yeah i like star wars of course. i won a 2004 box set edition of the OT on a tv show. the thing was to make a star wars rap and the best ones would win prizes. well, i had a little knack for making stupid rhymes, and i liked/knew a bit about sw, and the prizes were awesome, so my brain went into overdrive and a emailed my entry 15 minutes later. and i won! not the first prize, but im glad i didnt! the first prize was a darth vader voice changer helmet. i won one of the runner up prizes: the dvd box set (including bonus disk with 4+ hours of special features), two star wars figures, and the first book of the 'last of the jedi' series.

    (did i get more..? cant remember:lol:)

    i havnt seen it in a while though. but one of my favorite movies is the bourne trilogy! jason bourne is.the.*man*.!

  3. No questions right now; i just need to sum up the courage to push myself into a thread :xp:


    ive subsribed to the theatre company and the backstage call so ill be alerted any new rps.


    thanks alot for your help. if theres any more questions, ill ask. ;)

  4. no, i didnt no that! :D ive never seen 'the last revelation' or 'chronicles'!


    ps3 is hd... but the funny thing is you need an hdtv, and hd cables for really good hd.

    do you have those?

  5. No, i just haven't been playing many games lately. Except for some Mass Effect on my dad's laptop. It can just pull off ME1 at minimal settings (mostly resolution. the rest can be bumped up and it doesnt affect it, except AA of course).


    My sister got a monster of a computer recently, that could play anything at max like it was a screensaver. It was amazing. (going from min to HD is truly a sight to behold). But a few days after i put it together, the graphics card crapped out on us(faulty). There's been annoying hindrances to getting it replaced; and its been about 3 weeks since this happened and we still havent got a graphics card. we were going to play ME through the holidays, but weve been stuck playing nothing. (ugh. the more i recount this story to everyone, the worse it feels. :hor: ) Hopefully, it should arrive tomorrow. If it doesnt, then i am going to punch someone.


    @5670: mmm, that is a nice card indeed. you said it was marked up.. how much is it?

  6. not just that, its a good choice too. Im not too familiar with ATi's offerings, but it seems this 5670 beats its rival the nvidia gts 240 in performance. (240 is around the same price). :thumbsup:


    so what kind of games are your favorite? (genre)

  7. not really a prop aficionado (as i don't own any lightsabers - toys or replicas), but i really like the concept of lightsaber combat. But a force FX lightsaber is on my ultimate wishlist, along with a katana (decorative or a practice sword, called a iato i think. ) and a couple bokken so i can actually beat stuff up.

    I also aspire to go to a sword school as a hobby some time. probably when i'm older and a tad more affluent lol.


    you're a swordsman IRL. What do you exactly do?

  8. O_o didnt think of it like that!

    hey, bloom may have a rather strange name, but he was awesome in the movies too. i mean, wasting the bad guys with that much skill and never getting any dirt on him? thats awesome! :lol: ugh, all that muck in battles... *shudder* has legolas ever gotten soiled like that in lotr canon?

  9. oh CQOOOooooo.....





  10. oh crud. i locked myself out of my room. it needs a key, i dont have it. im sleeping on the couch. :cry6: my phone's alarm is going and snoozing every five minutes with noone to shut it up. i thought itll alarm itself out of power but then i realised... its plugged in. this is so comical.



    this has happened to me before, but that was the house. i had to break in in a very unflattering manner (half haning out of a teeny bathroom window trying to squeeze in and not fall headfirst into the toilet...)

    but my room just can't be broken into.

    ack! and i just remembered i have to go somewhere tommorow morning! but my clothes are in my room! aaaaaaaah!!!

    OHNO! my laptop's running out of power and the charger is IN MY ROOM!!


  11. oh, ehm, hello...


    Do i know you?

  12. oh, lol.

    i'm a noob doing my first system build.

  13. oh! i got mixed up while having too many profiles open at the same time... i thought you posted that to me! lol!


    (im not a nosey parker)

  14. PC.

    hmm, to play online i'll have to install the game onto another comp... i hope i can transfer my profile....

  15. perhaps i should also mention that i have never written a story that has not been ripped apart and burned by me later. :p


    Ive had ideas before, but they never get written or never get finished.


    Voice Acting, however, i can do if you need it. :)

  16. quite starwarsy too. would be a good name for your TOR character if you're going to get it.

    aww (kinda late, but) congratulations! :D

  17. She's played a few of my games here and there over the years, like The Sims and Worms (ahh, good times). But prior to ME, she hadn't touched a game in a long time. She was very open to the idea of an rpg (story based), and i had no doubt that playing an award winning Bioware rpg as one's first rpg would leave an impression. Which it did; she loves it.


    Is it cheaper to get the card from online stores there? Here, that is very much the case.

    The 5670 sells for about $150 at online stores, while its about $170 in retail ones.

    I'm actually surprised at the card's price of $150nzd (=$100usd). Usually retailers go by the classic conversion of 1usd=2nzd. I think its because the 5670 is a new card, and they've bought it at the current exchange rates. (which can't be said for some other new cards :¬: )

    Perhaps thats why the 5770 is marked up where you are?

  18. shock1 forty three hours!!

    but ive been dying to know: what is galaxies like? can you run around like on kotor? can you do quests with other people? can you 'travel' and have adventures with other people rather than npcs? can you get snazzy outfits? get your hair done? lol

    if you could travel with other people in TOR, that would be awesome. think about it: its like (oh whats the word...) escapology? i think thats it. its when you say, read a really good book, or watch your favorite show and imagine yourself in it. its just like that... but so much more real! i hope its as good as theyre cracking it up to be.

    im looking at Adavardes' comment... what is 'SoD'?

  19. so what did 'GS' mean?

    and also 'kered'?

  20. so you're going to post it on the 'completed' thread once you finish all the chapters?

    id like to know, how do you write you're fics? im thinking i should write an outline, like an essay, but ive never *really* done a proper story before. :confused:

    a stomach virus? that's horrible! youll hav my prayers! :eek:

    im feeling fine right now, i havnt been sick in a while. i take something thats supposed to destroy any infections. but i have gotten a flu since i started taking it, but im sure it was because i didnt bother with my daily dose for a while. lol.

  21. spring/summer break... heh, i dont quite understand those. whats it like in the US? how long are those spring/summer breaks? in NZ, there are four terms of school, roughly 10 weeks each. in between terms, we get 2 week holidays. im currently in the second week of holidays between term 1 and term 2.


    no holidays...are you homeschooled?

  22. sure, gimme the title.

    but i'm not sure if i'll be able to pursue it right now; i'm absolutely full up with a project. (building a computer)

    i've been neglecting activities that require an excess amount of thinking such as a kavars thread i was participating in. (there are some major points i'd like to present, but as i said; full up.;) )

    but i'm also having great fun doing this. tell me, are you into computers/technology?

  23. thank you. :)


    i have to say, your avatar is hilarious. :lol: where's it from?

  24. thankew! :D


    howr things on your end?


    i bought mass effect a couple days ago, and im enjoying that. i sucked very badly at combat at first (its real time, not turn based), but then i learned that i must rely on these fabulous little things called tactics; such as luring enemies out into a corridor in small numbers than running straight into of a roomful of 30 of them. :eek:

    yessiree, thank God for quick save. :nod:

  25. thanks, CQ! :D birthday fun is whats up!

    went out for lunch... had a gourmet burger almost the size of my palm. lol, it was gooooood.

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