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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Oh...I found 'em:D

  2. Goodie, I shall check them out:D There on the backstage casting calls, correct?:D

  3. Well, I don't really use Heromachine, I just like to draw mine on my own....War-Bringer looks pretty intimidating in my sketches...:D

  4. So, what's new in the life of Trigger? Anything exciting happen lately?:D

  5. Well, I posted:D Though I have to wait for SkywalkerRules to post in Shinobi:D

  6. So, you've been with them since they came in, eh? :) That must be quite fun indeed:D Perhaps someday I may see it, though chances are really low, you never know:D


    So, "Noble Bean?" Okay, that sounds good indeed:D I shall make a note on it:D

  7. Okay, I won't, it'll escape. I hope you didn't take any offense, it's all meant for fun...so...no hostility?:D

  8. Well, she seems to be doin' really well honestly, ti would be unfortunate if we killed the RP this early....please don't blow her up:(

  9. Yes, I know, but I know she won't, because you will not kill your own character, besides...War-Bringer would survive somehow:D

  10. Yes, I know, but War-Bringer is trying to get another prisoner...he's pretty determined.

  11. Well, unless you have something built to go deep and destroy, then my guy's sub may live pretty easily, you'd be surprised:D Anyway, I'm posting soon:D

  12. Chev, War-BRinger is smart, he has other things in mind. Also, you're not dealing with a toy sub, it's a Nuclear Submarine. This thing is super-powerful and well armored:D

  13. Well....I'm not exactly a modder, so I'll just say I'm a level 0 at the moment:D I'm not all that good, depends what needs to be done:D

  14. No problem!:D {Sorry for the late response:D}

  15. Don't worry, i'll probably post before then:lol:



    I probably won't be able to post today, sadly:( I'll try me best though!:)

  17. Well, in order to move up, you need more posts, the ranks are as followed by how many needed posts:


    Junior Member= I think 300 posts, that or 350.


    Forumite: Either 500 or 600 posts.


    Veteran: 700 posts.


    Senior Member: 1000 posts{that and a custom title on your detail options:D}


    I hope that helps!:D

  18. That's good to hear, Mand'alor's Third Cousin twice removed, Te Mirdala Mand'alor:D

  19. GGrrrr......so be it:lol:


    So, how you doing, Te Mirdala Mand'alor?:D

  20. Ummmm.....you tell me yours first:D

  21. BAH! It's probably not half as bad as to what I did to the last MUTINEER! :D

  22. BAH!:D I AM MAND'ALOR! {At least, in my own mind:lol: }

  23. Do you oppose your Mand'alor???:D

  24. That sounds good, I'll post soon as well:)

  25. Yeah..that does seem to be the case, I've been waiting for Skywalker, Ataris, Kyvios, none of them are posting right now....:(

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