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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Oh?


    *Grabs shoe and throws it an annoying person, knocking them unconcious*


    Ahhh....that felt good...


    *Eats delicous, luscious, juicy, tasty, sandwich*



  2. Hmmm? And why don't you need food like I do? *Chomps into luscious, tasty, juicy, sandwich*

  3. Heh...he will have his own ship.:D

  4. Oh, Crossfire? Sounds quite fun indeed:D Hmmm...so I imagine you are quite into FPS's? Have you played the original Call of Duty and it's multiplayer? That is fun:D

  5. I was thinking more on the Human side....trying to come up with a name and history that are good:D

  6. Well, true, I'm not an anarchist so...I think I'm covered:D Besides...maybe Customs may be one of the few safe things about flying:lol:


    Yes, indeedee:D The dogs are always quite cute. So, you miss your dog? I think I may have seen a picture of him/her in the Post a Picture of your Pet Thread. So cute and fuzzy!!:D Is your dog a labrador? {I hope I was looking at the right pic:D}


    Yeah, visiting your Boyfriend would probably be the better option. Being a long-distance from one's friend can make things a bit strenous in a relationship, I imagine... Brisbane is also closer. From Sydney it could be a long drive or a short flight...at least from looking on the map:) So, how're you feeling right now? :)

  7. Okay, this is taking a ridiculously long time, I know. I'm still working on the character, but I've also been quite busy lately. I'll try my best:D

  8. Thank you!:D I'll take a look at the Dream Sequence in the end, that will indeed help with the art:D Thanks once again!:)

  9. Ah, quite cool indeed, I'll check it out:D

  10. Well, I've never really done that, so it would be kind've difficult, I'd have to change the mindset of the character. But I'll consider it, perhaps something new may work.

  11. I'm still stuck at a name and past, sadly:( I haven't done a Star Trek character before, so this one is taking alot longer then I thought. I probably won't have it up until tomorrow.

  12. Well, an RP is quite simple actually:D It's a role-playing game:D In other words, you create a character on a backstage casting call thread. From there, the person who created the thread starts the RP, and you and the other RP-ers post what you're character is doing in the story. It's technically a fan-fic where people are taking turns contributing:D I hope that helps, do you have any other questions, I'm always to here to help:D

  13. Hi JM12! How are you doing?:) Well, anyway, I was wondering if you'd allow me to draw some concept art for Tyrannus and the Blood King? Alkonium recommended I ask you first, as they are your characters:D

  14. Oy, I know how that one feels, except probably the opposite with some games:D I thought I'd be bad at COD4 on Xbox because I mostly use PC, but it turned out that I continually slaughtered everyone else to the point where it became everyone vs. Me.:D But that was just COD4....it changed with some of the other games....:)


    So, any other games that you play online, and preferrably do really well?:D

  15. Well...I don't know anyone in particular, but I know they're out there. They'll probably join soon as it:D Sorry, I haven't posted yet, I've been pretty busy today:(

  16. So, whazzup, Tysy?:D

  17. Oooh, that sounds fun, I'd probably join as well if I still had my copy of BFII. That may change soon...and all of you will taste the wrath of my iron fist....:D

  18. I shall join soon!:D

  19. You know, that actually sounds like a good idea:D I think I would indeed join:D

  20. Suggestions? Hmmm...well, so far, you've seem to have covered alot of the major characters, so I really can't say any character specifically at the moment:) Alot of the character profiles have been answered for me:D Hmmm...wait, you could try the other Sith Lords, aside from Virul, as you've done that one. Yeah, the Sith Lords would be good:D

  21. Well, I'm doing good:D Life has been fun as I have been moving, and finally as well. We've been waiting quite a long time:D Besides that, Martial Arts has been getting alot more fun as I have moved up at a rapid rate...sparring with Black Belts is pretty fun as well, though it doesn't go without its scars *rubs bruise on face* :D


    Besides that, life has been pretty quiet, I have several ideas for some fics, but I have to get a rough draft going before I post 'em. Also looking forward to all the cool games that are coming out this summer...or this year, so it's fun:D

  22. Arc...looking at your custom title and avatar, I simply must say you have excellent taste in choice regarding those:D Rapper kitty cracked me up:D

  23. Eh, I don't quite know, minor curiosity and small talk would be the reason probably...the answer truly escapes me:) Anyway, aw well, forgive the small talk:)

  24. Oh...so your tan has been eliminated? That is unfortunate, aw well, just wait for summer:D Luckily, my tan is in the genes....the lucky Filipino blood provides a natural tan to me and my family...heheheh:D Well, except my Dad, I got the German/English blood from him...so I'm in the middle:D BWAHAHAH! It does not matter though!:D


    Yes, shame on you for making Ferris sad. But he's learning, so he'll get better, Toran and He might become good friends, you never know!:)

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