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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Okeedokee, I'll take a look, and I may not be able to post today, but then again, I might, we'll see:D

  2. That's cool:D There were quite a few things in JA and TSL that would definately need that extra 'glow,' so to say, I look forward to seeing them:)


    So, the mod won't need to be tested for a bit? Okay, that'll give me some time to get TSL back up and ready. For some wierd reason, it wasn't taking mods, it was probably just because of Vista, but I'll figure it out:D

  3. Ahh, so you got a copy of JA? That's quite fun indeed:D You'll have to show me some of the skins and weapon models sometime, I understand that JA's configuration allows some really cool stuff to be made:D


    A custom saber for Atton? That should be quite cool indeed, post the pics soon!!:D


    Also, regarding testing a mod, I'd love to, I'd just have to get TSL reinstalled, my computers a Vista, so that may take a bit:( So, what needs to be tested?:)

  4. Litofsky!:) How are you doing? Read any books of extreme excellence lately?

  5. So, how goes the mods, Trigger?

  6. How art thou, JIGOS? I'm sorry I haven't conversed with you in awhile:9





  7. Heheh, excellent work, Chev:D I guess Vlad is very militaristic indeed:D Hopefully he turns out to be nicer, 40 laps is a lot of running...:D

  8. Heheh, indeed, what a wonderful family:D

  9. Sure, you have my permission!:D Have fun:D

  10. Oh...of course, I'll get to that:D

  11. Yeah...I'll post on Zombie's soon, but Dark Jedi...I don't really know what my character is doing, and Shinobi...I think I'm waiting for Skywalker. Anyway, I'll post:D

  12. Okay, that's good to hear, I'll get posting in the Casting Call and am looking forward to the next text crawl.

  13. Yeah...Zombie's Walk is definately near the end, it's been pretty darn successful I think:D


    You nominated me for a badge? Thanks Chev, you didn't have to, but I'm greatly appreciative:) I think I should take a look at that thread, I've got a few ideas to nominate people as well:D Thanks again:D

  14. No, I have not seen this one yet...excellent work, Alkonium! It's a definate improvement from the last, I really wanted there to be a film right after the text crawl and music began to reach their conclusion:D Excellent work indeed!:D

  15. Well, my internet is back up, HURRAH!:D I will indeed post!:D

  16. I shall check it out:D

  17. Cool:D That will be fun indeed:) Sadly, my internet on my comp won't be up for another day...I had everything set up...but I was missing one crucial piece to complete my monster of a comp....the power adapter. Without that...no victory...another day:(

  18. That I will do tomorrow:D So no worries, and have a good day!!:D *Flys into the wind*

  19. Hmmm, things aren't better yet? That is unfortunate indeed...I'm sure the situation will turn around soon, though:D

  20. Yep. 105. That is crazy, but hey, people like to chat, so it's okay I guess:D Also, sorry for the absence, my comp will be fully useable tomorrow {I am using a library computer...only a few minutes left:D}

  21. Yeah, that's true....the:D is my trademark by now...:D


    Well, I'll try to get my comp up again soon...so we'll just hope:D

  22. Well, the MOH games aren't bad either, they're quite fun, especially airbourne....:D So, are you into RTS, RPG?:)

  23. I'm sorry, Chev, but my computer is down at the moment, I'm currently using a different one. Sadly, I will be extremely busy and be unable to get onto LF until Friday or Saturday. So I won't be able to get the character up until then:( Terribly sorry, this was rather unexpected.

  24. Oh...quite cool indeed:D I shall join this forum!:D


    Glad to hear your comp is fixed, your problem had me stumped:D

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