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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Ah yes, tis life indeed:D So, is everything working out?:D

  2. Yes. The Gesture is awesome:D


    Well, I used to, but let's just say I have been detached from tv for awhile...*this is what happens when you don't buy cable:D*


    Also, regarding the unanswered question, I am okay if Shade knows about the Black Hand, it sort've draws in the attention for my villain:D

  3. AGH!!:D


    I still have no worries, I eat healthy, but I do indulge the occasional cursed burger of burgerness:D I have little to worry about right now:D


    You have a very interesting way of using the science of food, and making me feel guilty:D

  4. Ah yes, Rowan Atkinson....or as I like to think as.....BEAN, Mr. BEAN!:D


    Fine choice of avatar, GTA:D

  5. I'm still watching it.:D


    The girl with green hair will not convince me to give up my warlike ways.:)

  6. Heheh, good video, Chev, but my nature is Clone Soldier, I will not hang up my armor. I will not change!!! NEVAH!:D

  7. So, LR, how are you doing?


    I couldn't help but notice below the post, but you are graduating in 2 weeks? Congratulations!!! I hope everything works out these next 2 weeks! Do you have any after-grad plans? What's new!!??:D

  8. Yes, and the gravy is good:D


    The Q is essential to me, it would be unfortunate for me to reveal:D The 'Q' is my trademark:D

  9. Suddenly, I feel horrible.:D


    Sorry, I know the badness of the burger, I guess I just don't pay that much attention to it as I do not eat them that often and exercise quite a bit. So, let's just say, I am insensitive in such matters of food, which is a habit I am breaking:D

  10. Chev....I suspect treachery....:D


    Anyway, I'm sorry I have not posted in awhile...regarding the RPs, right now, I'm quite busy, and finding time has been difficult, but I'll try my best:D

  11. Yes, I know I'm missed. I will post sometime soon:D Maybe not until tomorrow, but I'll post:D

  12. I have yet to go there, but I've seen your game, and I think I'll get into it, it looks like great fun!:D

  13. I'll post, no worries:D


    I just came up with a supervillain in Alkonium's new RP....he is cool:D

  14. The Costumed Heroes RP? Yes, as a matter of fact, I am quite interested....good idea, Alkonium, I'll check it out:D

  15. I know, I just read it!!! LOL! :D

  16. Finishing up on homework? I wish you the best of luck there, homework can be bloody hard at times:D


    Oh, yeah, and I have played Empire at War on hard....strangley, I never finished that campaign....:D

  17. Well, Chev. Life is good for one:D I haven't done anything spectacular, but I watched Star Trek the other day, and liked it!:D Right now, I'm just trying to beat Empire: Total War, that and a few other games...etc.etc.:D


    Oh, yeah, and there's an upcoming tournament in my martial arts organization, so I'm practicing for that. Doubling up on classes, doing a lot more work with weights, working on endurance, and strengthening my Kei{battle cry:D}


    So, that's been about the daily....


    So, how 'bout you?:)

  18. You have a site for Mandos? Quite cool indeed, I shall check it out, and once again, welcome:D

  19. Oh okay....I shall post soon and save the day!:D

  20. Well, still:), you've seen a few states I haven't, admit your experience!:D


    24 hours? Ouch, that type of flight would definately put a damper on things, the price as well:( But still, you must see the sights someday, they're quite amazing!:D


    Lol, true, who isn't Disney Fanatic:D Still, my sister would be like a mega-fanatic!:D Indeed, the rides are fun:D I remember repeatedly going on the roller-coasters here at Disney Land in southern California, it was fun....very fun:D


    Dang, those Pork Ribs must've been good! They're effecting you still?! Wow!:D Do you know what sauce was used? Your report has got me curious...:D

  21. Here, take this. *Gives flamethrower*


    It will help cleanse the problem:D

  22. That bad, huh? I think I would prefer not to read it, especially if you say it's disturbing...I shall avoid....:D So, it was unlulz?

  23. Hmmm? They have twisted minds? Where did you read this? Twisted minds? AGH!:D

  24. Yes, that may be exciting. I'm going to blow soemthing up, so if the news reports that some strange person in Star Wars armor has just destroyed a large building, you'll know who....thank you very much:D {joke:D}

  25. Yeah, it's just one of those days it seems...anything exciting going to happen?:D

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