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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Sure thing, I'll post very soon:D

  2. Veggie burgers? Tofudogs? Hmmm....that must be interesting:D It's raining right now? That does put a damper on things, doesn't it {ba da bump:D}

  3. Ouch. I know how that one feels. I have allergies where everyone doesn't, and where everyone does, I don't. That's my situation:D

  4. Chev! How are thou? Are you going to post in the SG thread? How is life?:D

  5. BLESSED SITH!! How are you?:D

  6. I'm doin' pretty good:D Been traveling alot lately, bahh!! It makes me tired:D


    What!? Your B-day was not fun!? What happened?

  7. Sure, sounds pretty funny:D

  8. Heheheeh:D Good find there, Chev!:D Indeed, lots of websites can say some mighty funny stuff:D

  9. Your welcome:D Have with Galaxies!:D

  10. A Mace Windu mod? Heh, that sounds awesome, Samuel Jackson loose on the Kotor world...heheheh:D I look forward to it!:D


    Same old? Still, blowing people up online is always fun:D I just got into the Half-Life and Half-Life 2 multi-player thingies....hee hee, it is fun:D

  11. Yeah, I guess you're quite right, where you grow up definately has an effect on the tolerances:D


    Where am I in the US of A? I'm on the West Coast, California:D I think my area is counted as 'Central,' at least, that's what it seems to me:) Have you been to America? There are many places of extreme beauty on the coast and in the mountains, very beautiful. So, which part of Malaysia are you from{well...born:D}


    Aw yes, the fly problem, we have that one too. The flies are evil. I am convinced of that. 40 degrees Celsius? How do they survive? Malaysia must be a nice alternative to that:D


    Mmmm, Modern Architecture can seem wierd or overrated, definately. You like seeing the places of the Old World? That's awesome!:D Seeing those places carries such an amazing feeling with it:) There's just something about the art and culture of the way of the Old World that just seems so captivating, it would definately leave you dumbstruck:D

  12. Hmmm..not yet you say?:D

  13. Yes...yesss...I am a Lurker...*creepy music plays* :D


    I'll probably post soon though:D

  14. That I am Adavardes, quite interested, thanks for the update:D

  15. I was going to wish you a birthday! Honest! Sabre is just early!!:D


    Anyway, I know I've already wished you a happy B-day, but you are an excellent friend so....




  16. Yes:D I have read it, and I give it 10/10!:D I know I haven't posted in a bit, but I'm really enjoying where you are taking the story!:D

  17. Hee hee, I figured that, you've been churning out chapters like crazy:D So, anything new happen? Aside from writing and exercising?:D

  18. Trigger! What's new? How go the mods? Life? Anything?:D

  19. Tysy!! Was ist los!? How are you?:D

  20. Hey Alkonium! What;s new?:D

  21. Whazzup Mars.....do anything 'Physco' lately?:D

  22. I figured you probably saw the Opera House...probably hard to miss:D Heh, I agree, going to any beach{well, maybe some:)} this time of year would have to be for kicks, I imagine Sydney would be pretty nice in the summer though?:D No cold tolerance? Oy, that would prove difficult in cold water, Ithink I have a small cold-tolerance due to my Father having European blood...my Mother gave me 50% of the Philipines, so I'm not so sure how much that contributes to the tolerance:D


    Australia has safer roads? Oh, that's good:) Be careful though, there are probably some crazy Australians somewhere....perhaps Lynk..:D {joke}

  23. BFA! WHAT IS NEW!?:D

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