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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Astor! :D I just tried out the Empire: Total War demo, and it is AWESOME! Have you downloaded it yet?:)

  2. Oh, I'm doing quite well...but lately...hmmm, OH! I borrowed a movie from my brother called,"The Seven Samurai." Have you heard of it?:) It's quite awesome, and now with the combination of watching a cool Japanese movie and being in Japanese martial arts....I think I have Japan on the head...I'm pretty sure I want to visit now:D That, and I think I finally have the story plot in mind for my next WW2 fic{this one is not an alternate history though:D}


    True, bizarre books or articles often inspire original fiction:D I'd probably read a sad science fiction book...and...well, you can either get inspired by it, or depressed:D So, have you read any bizarre, surreal books lately?:D

  3. Hee hee, hope that's fun:D

  4. Oh!! I should check that place out, this is the first time I've heard of it...so Anivide.com...HERE I COME!:D It would be good to see before $$$ it...:D

  5. Oh..that must've been...interesting....:D

  6. What!? You have not played it in 5 years?! Well, then get to it! Make up for that time!!:D {joke:D}

  7. Not much..sadly:( How 'bout you:D

  8. Ahhh! Yes indeed, salvation!! I shall be detoxed of this darkness!:D


    So, how are you, Bee? Anything really new happen?:)

  9. Hee hee, indeed, that vid is quite funny:D

  10. Hee hee hee:D Samurai Jack is classic!!


    I remember this episode where he ran into an Irishmen that had a machine gun for a leg....that WAS AWESOME!:D

  11. You had a gourmet burger? Must've been good, but they're sooo small, it's like you just take a bite and they're gone!:D Well, I'm glad your birthday has gone well!


    Currently, for me, life is quiet. I just watched an awesome Samurai move, The Seven Samurai. It was AWESOME!:D

  12. Anything interesting? Hmmm...well, not much that I'd call absolutlry exciting at the moment, everything is quiet right now. I have a feeling something interesting will happen soon though:D


    How about you? Anything exciting? Hmmm!?:):D

  13. True, we do disagree on much with history. Different sources, different people, obviously, different opinions. It's probably more proper to discuss in person then on the internet, but hey, that was fun:D


    I'm good, though I think I have Japan on the head right now. I've been watching several Samurai movies, going to a Japanese martial arts class, and now want to visit Berlin, Paris, and now....Tokyo. Life is interesting right now:D


    Besides that....hmmm, I've been playing some pretty awesome games:)


    So, how 'bout you?:D

  14. I shall create a thread for your birthdayness....perhaps a good habit to start....:D


  16. Oh, and Japan, though it's Navy crushed, and resources strangled, still was a force to be reckoned with, even in 1945. Look at Okinawa and Iwo Jima, that makes this evident.

  17. Emperor Hirohito{I think I've been spelling that wrong in my past posts:D} was the first to oppose going to war, and was the first to sign the peace treaty aboard the Missouri. Surely then, if the Emperor's power was respected by Tojo and his dictator friends, then perhaps the Atom bombs would enver have been dropped. Though surrender period, was a taboo for the Japanese, and it took the Emperor himself to stop the fighting.


    As much as I hate the fact that thousands of Japanese died with the Atom bombs, it had to be done, it was that, or perhaps total annihilation for the Japanese people. The Invasion of the Home Islands would've done just that, and would've made WW2 much bloodier then it was.


    As cold as this may sound, the Atomic weapons were necessary, and they were used.

  18. Also, concerning unconditional surrender....Japan and Germany would never had surrendered without proper motivation, their leaders were too fanatic, and quite a bit crazy.


    Example: At the Battle of Berlin, Hitler still spoke of Victory, and numerous times in the Pacific, Tojo and his fellow officers said that they would never surrender, and still spoke of victory a few days before Little Boy and Fat Man found their targets. When Hitler was dead, Germany finally surrendered, and when Nagasaki and Hiroshima were nothing but ruins, the Japanese finally knew to surrender. It was practically the only way to end the war, if the Axis powers were more reasonable, perhaps Germany would've surrendered at the Battle of the Bulge, or perhaps Japan woud've given up at Iwo Jima, but that did not happen, and they chose to fight.

  19. NO! It's not what you think!:D

  20. part 2


    Also, practically every officer in the American Army, Navy, and Air force, knew that Japan would come, the only question, was where and when, the one thing that comms couldn't figure out....until too late.



    {This is getting long...be prepared for more...maybe it would've been better to do PM or an essay:D Hee hee hee, this is fun though, discussing this is what I like to do:D}

  21. Yes, Admiral Kimmel had been told of an attack many times. The Japanese code had been cracked, and American code readers had indeed found many excerpts that told of an attack. But the problem was, the Japanese were not communicating where and when. Japanese forces had managed to keep that secret, using a whole number of secret communications to get that through. There had been threats of an attack long before FDR had imposed the 'trade act' which denied the Japanese crucial supplies, such as fuel. That practically sealed the Pearl Harbor attack. With only enough fuel for six months, the Japanese acted. Hence, the Pacific War. I strongly disagree with the idea that FDR planned the Pearl Harbor assualt, or even knew. Because if he did, then he already had ample proof to declare war, and Pearl Harbor would never had had to happen, good either way, if FDR knew, then WW2 would've been shorter, no need for conspiracy theories.



    end of part 1...:D

  22. FDR never supported Tojo, and FDR would have never been in a position to get Tojo into the Prime Minister's office. In fact, Tojo had been rising through the ranks of the military to reach the Prime Minister's office, FDR was not needed to help.

  23. and part 3:D



    American's definately didn't give their lives needlessly. They were going out to save those under Japanese and German oppression, and at the same time, to protect America. Such as, when American forces arrived at Normandy in 1944, the Nazi A-10 project{a missile capable of hitting New York with incredibly accuracy} was 50% near plan finishing.


    I think America needed to fight in WW2, we had no choice, as did the rest of the world, but if we didn't, could you imagine what would've happened. So, American troops didn't give their lives needlessly, if so, then nothing was acomplished. And we're just as bad as the Nazis.


    My Opinion!!:D

  24. Part 2....:D


    Okeeday, having handled WW1, now here's my opinion for WW2.


    Now, then, no doubt, Hitler and Tojo were madmen. Hitler, conquering at will, slaughtering as he wished, had to be stopped. Because, he wouldn't have stopped at Europe, or Asia, or Africa, or South America for that matter. He would've kept going until everyone in the world was either with him...or dead. He needed to be stopped.


    With Japan as with Germany, FDR had repeatedly warned these Axis powers to stop what they were doing. But that didn't work, and in the end, Japanese airplanes came to Pearl Harbor, and killed about a thousand American soldiers and citizens, without warning. For a time, people thought that San Diego, California would be next. And it would've, if the rest of Admiral Nagumo's plan had been commenced, taking over Hawaii and staging assualts to the mainland.


    Pearl Harbor was the beginning for America's war, but the end for the Axis powers.


    End of Part 2...:D

  25. Well, my opinion is a bit different, very much going with my political standing and extensive study of what happened.:D


    The First World War was indeed..needless, sadly to say. The European powers had armed their countries to the teeth, but had no enemies to attack. All it needed was a little spark to start the fire, and the Assassination of Franz Ferdinand did just that. The reason America got involved was simply to protect American citizens, who were dying every week due to the German U-boats. If the Germans had obeyed the nuetrality rules, then America would not have gotten into the war, that's what Woodrow Wilson wanted. But after the major sinking of the Lusitania... Besides, if we hadn't gotten into the war, then more people would've died, and Europe would have never recovered fully.


    In the end, I think it was good that America got into that scrap, because WW1 had been stuck in stalemate combat...until American forces got on the line.


    Opinion part 1....:D

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