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Everything posted by CommanderQ

  1. Unfortunately, Kado, I do not have the position of moderator, so I'm unable to edit your previous installments. There are several other moderators that could do that for ya, though. I'm pretty sure you'll find most of them really helpful:D

  2. Yeah, I know the RP forum pretty well, I'll see about creating the Mando RP as soon as possible:D Good idea!

  3. I notice that you do not have a red hat, but I offer to you, an invitation to join the social group, "The Red-Hatted League."

  4. So, Astor, would you like to join the Red-Hatted League?

  5. @Chev: That position has been taken Punky Monkey!!!:D {joke}


    Whelp..here's the link to the art gallery!



  6. No problem, that would do nicely:D


  8. Also, try to gather as many as possible to our Red-Hatted Regime...erm..group:D

  9. The Red-Hatted League has been formed!! Go check it out and join at the Social Groups thingy-ma-jigger...or whatever:D We the Red Hats, shall rule SUPREME!!:D

  10. Okeedokee..the Clone Clause will handle it..hee hee hee:D

  11. Oy, well then, I'll shall see about creating the "Red-Hatted League." Only people that have red-hats may join, eh? {Very very small amount}

  12. What do you have planned?? I wish to know:D

  13. Oh, well in that case...*begins describing everything concerning the evil axe-murdering wife-beating-psychopath*


    Well, that is understandable, I just think he's really cool due to his deductions and observations, and in the end, cleverness, oh, that and in the "so-called" last book "The Final Problem," he uses Karate {eh hem:D} Yep, he's cool:D


    So, no red-hatted league???:D :D :D :D

  14. Well, um, yeah..I guess the Red-Hatted league was formed from that.....but seeing as you don't like Sherlock Holmes....um....:DI didn't say anything:D


    Why don't you like Sherlock Holmes? He's awesome!!

  15. Nah, Assassinations are next month, this month is invasions....all is good and well in my wars. So, how are you?

  16. Well, you could try out the art gallery to find an artist. Just post a thread voicing the need there and you might get a few people. I'll post a link to it soon, just in case you need help.

  17. Thanks for telling me! I'll go check it out.

  18. Oh, not much, just bored....

  19. Sorry, can't. At least not yet...hee hee hee, nyan nyan....:D

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