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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. *blasts scav before he can come near him with the beskad*

  2. *crackle* Copy that Commander! You heard him men! All units go! *crackle*

  3. *Cuts payback in half*

  4. *draws sword* Very well. Thou hast sealed thy doom. Guards! Kill him!

  5. *faints* You are the RC modding king!

  6. *gallops away on an ebony steed*

  7. *goes into a long boring death rant and dies without honor*

  8. *goes parasite on scav, and starts tearing apart his internal organs after going inside of him*

  9. *kicks payback in the family jewels*

  10. *lightning is just a figment of Scav's imagination*

  11. *Melts down payback's body then seals it in carbonite before launching it into a star*

  12. *nonokillers can't find Mird and kill each other*

  13. *points anxiously towards your request thread*

  14. *Points at the Conc Rifle*

  15. *Preps Merr-Sonn Portable Missile to launch at CQ*

  16. *smarts ones are too smart and overload*

  17. *Theme from Jeopardy*

  18. *Throws the pie in payback's face*

  19. *verp shatter gun is defective*

  20. *whisper*And it'll raise your post count*whisper*:p

  21. *whispers* Call him Jek \/ :p

  22. *Whispers* Psst! Hey CQ: clicky here...

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