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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Of course not! I love Shakespearean theatre! I just thought I'd change up our RP style fight.

  2. Are you not entertained?!

  3. *respawns and a gladiator*


    I am Spartacus!

  4. *gallops away on an ebony steed*

  5. For taking screenshots of your TSL mods, I'd recommend Dantooine, near Khoonda.

  6. Alright then. Behold:

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    (Directed at your emo sister)

    Thou art a truly evil person to feed the stereotypes! For poems about death, blood and poison strike fear into the hearts of the masses. And make small children cry. Seriously! Your scaring people!:disaprove



    Not the best I have thought up, but its mildly amusing.

  7. Hmmm... Excuse me Laura Muffin, but I placed an order with the muffin man yesterday, and he still hasn't fulfilled it. What are you going to do about it?:smirk2:



  8. Alas, for I am a coward, though what I was to say might amuse you.

  9. Did you dare call your sister in real life? Or was it just a joke?

  10. Behold, for if thine sister decides to read over thine shoulder once more, alert me. For I have something amusing to say, if she were to read...o_Q

  11. *brings out his emo sister's poetry*



  12. *trips scav then holds a pillow over his head*


    For thou shalt breathe thy last breath. And I shall emerge victorious from this skirmish!

  13. Alas...

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  14. *kicks him in the crotch*


    Behold, for no matter how invincible he be, no man can escape the pain of the loss of his manhood.

  15. Alas, for I am victorious over mine enemies.

  16. It was a mistake. All taken care of now:D

  17. Maybe I should do that:whacked:

  18. :vamp1:Updating her poetry site?:skul2:




  19. Which sister gaveth you the boot?

  20. Did your sister seriously kick you off?

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