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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. -COOL!!! Mind if I edit it?-


    Go ahead.:D

  2. -Quote=you

    Could I use this in my new sig?

    -End Quote


    Sure. But you have to agree that I am Mand'alor:D

  3. :¬:Your just okay.


    :lol:Your not so bad yourself kid.:p

  4. :raise:Hmm... Maybe not.


    I own and run a small nondescript independent modding firm just outside of LucasForums (patent pending).



  5. :vamp1:Updating her poetry site?:skul2:




  6. "May I ask why the hands are silver-grey?"


    Its a reskin meant to be based on Jaing Skirata. So I gave him the gloves made of Ko Sai. :D

  7. (1). Yeah, I'll most definitely make more promo pics. I'll be in Alabama till Monday so I'll start when I get back.

    (2). It's a custom title. You get to edit it when you've gotten a thousand posts.

  8. [MIR'SHEB]I guess you shouldn't have had all those beans[/MIR'SHEB]



  9. [Thinks to self]I wonder if he knows about the photo album[thoughts end]:p


    Do you want it?:sign2:

  10. *a ray of sunshine pokes through the dark clouds and lights up Mird's visor*


    At last there is hope.:D

  11. *activates detonators, sending Demongo flying*


    Didn't see that coming did ya?

  12. *Almost goes splat, but remembers his Jetpack*




    *Flies up and starts attacking Chev with a pair of Lightsabers*


    Don't throw me foo. :D

  13. *bite*





  14. *Blasts CQ with Force Lightning*


    You may want to rephrase that.:D

  15. *Blocks with lightsaber*


    Its treason then.


    *Pulls out second lightsaber, and attacks*

  16. *Bonks CQ's head into a wall*


    Good morning non-Mand'alor.:D

  17. *Bonks CQ's head on the wall*


    Of course I get it.:D

  18. *brings out his emo sister's poetry*



  19. *Buy's Chev a prosthetic leg made of Beskar as a sign of good faith*



  20. *Calls upon Tera-Bob, but realizes that Chev's bob powers have fried his Tera-Bob caller*



  21. *Chev's knee makes contact with solid plates of Beskar*


    I'm feeling good. Not too sure about you though:D

  22. *Chuck Norris walks in and pwnz you and your quick smiley box*



  23. *clears throat*


    Mine attention hath been redirected to the feeding of mine farming beasts.o_Q

  24. *Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman only become more epic when aged 10000000 years*


    Both: Get off my lawn!


    *Chuck Norris disintegrates*



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