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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. *Clint Eastwood pulls out a rifle and does the "do you feel lucky?" line, while Morgan Freeman gives Chuck Norris "the look"*


    *Chuck Norris screams like a little girl and heads for the hills*

  2. *comes back as a ghost and reads some of scav's sister's death poetry*




    *scav dies*

  3. *Comes out of the water, removes his helmet, grabs a soft drink, and celebrates the demise of one of his greatest foes*


    Ha, ha ,ha!

  4. *Covers Ears*


    Lalalalala! I don't want to hear any spoilers!:p

  5. *dies a little on the inside*


    That hurts clone!

  6. *Easily avoids being affected by LoH's powers*


    I am a Force sensitive Mandalorian, you'll have to do better than that. Der'jetii!

  7. *Faints*


    :bow:What are the stats for the anti-armor attachment? (my personal favorite).

  8. *Falls down and remembers to put on helmet*




    *Takes CQ's stick and beats him with it*

  9. *Gets knocked back due to his lack of Beskar'gam*




    *Whacks Chev with a gaffi stick*

  10. *Gets up*


    Why I oughta!


    *Pulls out his blue and green lightsabers*

  11. *gives the pony a carrot*


    *pony walks off satisfied*

  12. *glares at scavvy*


    Are you in that big oak tree outside my window?

  13. *Hacks admin account, then deletes payback*



  14. *Ignites two Lightsabers, and swings the blue and red blades at the Lord of Hunger*


    For the Mando'ade!

  15. *In creepy Igor/Gollum/Creeper voice* Master! They are dying!


    We must do something to fix this!

  16. *incinerates CQ*


    Hello. :D

  17. *incoherently mumbles something about a second chapter*



  18. *insane cackle*



  19. *Is deeply hurt by the fact that Chev thinks he is unsporting, and trades Beskar'gam for normal Jedi Robes*



  20. *kicks him in the crotch*


    Behold, for no matter how invincible he be, no man can escape the pain of the loss of his manhood.

  21. *Kicks the rubber duck*



  22. *Knees CQ in the groin*


    Yes, and this is how you say "how do you do".:lol:

  23. *knife breaks against triple reinforced Beskar'gam*


    Bad idea


    *uses the Force to throw scav across the intrawebz*

  24. *looks at BB*


    Nope, this one is bronze.


    Mine are copper.

  25. *looks at BB*


    That's not a BB. That's a shotgun pellet. Where have you been hangin around?

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