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Status Updates posted by Trench

  1. *Looks at CQ's avatar, then looks at the one Mand'alor made*




    *Whacks CQ in the unarmored part of his groin with a large purple stick*



  2. *Looks at CQ's avatar, then whacks him with this:


  3. *looks at Marius' avatar*





  4. *looks at payback's song*


    Why didn't I think of that?:p

  5. *looks at scav*


    Why are you butchering that cutout?

  6. *looks at scav*


    Why are you butchering that wax statue of me?

  7. *Looks hard at Chev's avatar*


    ... Another deception!


    *Whacks Chev with a large purple stick*



  8. *Mand'alor activates the aquatic settings of his suit, and launches homing missile at Falcon*


    You can't beat me!

  9. *mumbles something about a third chapter*



  10. *Notices Chev's post count, and lack of a custom title*




    *Whacks Chev with Bob power*


    How about: Mand'alor the Bob?:D

  11. *nukes CQ and his gravy*


    Long time no talk ner'vod:D

  12. *nukes scav in the family jewels*


    I still win.

  13. *places the bomb in Prud'ika's back pocket as he leaves*


    :ninja2: :ninja2:

  14. *points at Sammy*


    Why is he speechless?

  15. *points down to the "shameless advertisement"*



  16. *poke*


    (click the first poke)

  17. *Pokes Chev in the ribs with a Bothan Stunner*


    Hows it going?:D

  18. *pours water on Demongo*


    *demongo is extinguished*

  19. *presses button*


    *nanokillers die*

  20. *pulls out Mandalorian heavy repeater*



  21. *respawns and a gladiator*


    I am Spartacus!

  22. *Reverses Chev's Numa Numa, then whacks him again*


    Correction, you lose!:lol:

  23. *rubs head*


    Hey! What was that for? I was happily GIMPing my character for your RP up until now!:mad:

  24. *screen freezes up and crashes*


    *voice comes over loudspeaker*


    You just tried to electrocute a pre-recorded holovideo.

  25. *shatter gun is still defective*


    *blasts scav again, and throws a handful of thermal detonators at him*

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