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Everything posted by Trench

  1. Maybe a space battle?

  2. Not a problem bro:D

  3. Me? Complaining? Nah!:xp:

  4. Alright bro. I'll send you that DL link when I finish with the blaster .uti:D

  5. Alright! Glad your back ner'vod! Just one question: Did you want me to do the .uti edit, or did you want to do it yourself?

  6. :tsk:Now now Marius, you'll have to wait until your birthday:p

  7. Wow! That was fast!

  8. Don't worry about this project ending my friend:p. Marius always points out problems in the reviews (he does it nicely), and it makes you want to fix them all the more.:D

  9. Yeah, I just did a Google image search for them and it came up with about three of them. Two were from Wookieepedia, and one was small and low quality.

  10. Hmmm... How many Death Watch pictures could you find?

  11. Checked it and responded:D

  12. Hmmm... I'll see if I can find some reference pictures of it.:D

  13. Same here. So far I've made two black holes, one galaxy, a supernova, a damaged star and a planet much like it, earth, and a regular star. Is there anything else in space to make?:confused::p

  14. Greetings Dark Mand'alor, how goes the gimping?:D

  15. I think it would go in models.:thmbup1:


    And yes, ani'la means ultimate:D

  16. Fine:xp:, I guess I'll start over. There's just no pleasing you is there?:D

  17. :bow:You are the ani'la!:3pdance:

    I would like to sing you a song: :words::lol:

    Dude this is awesome! There are only two issues.

    A slight head clipping issue, and the usual Wookiee weapon problems.

    This is a permanent addition to my Override folder!

  18. Good! Now that you have signed the contract, that'll be $5000 and your favorite video game:D



  19. How about this:


  20. Hey payback, what do you think of this:


  21. Here you go:

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  22. But you agree that its not grainy right?:sweat:

  23. Oh, that's a tough one. I'll see what I can do.

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