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Kyr'am Galaar

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Everything posted by Kyr'am Galaar

  1. Wow... Happy B-day, Shem! :thmbup1:

  2. I'm back!!!! *looks at Mird* Doesn't look like you are though.....

  3. Imma slow typer too...

  4. That's why i try to keep my posts short...

  5. you are falling a little behind on that RP...

  6. K. I'll step in for you.

  7. Now we just have to wait for Ky'ram.... Well... Kom'rk now.... in the RP anyway... Shut up, Prudii.....


    *Slaps self*

  8. RP... Ky'ram joined in...

  9. You wanna edit your post real fast so we can get back to it?

  10. we've moved on... Lets say 30 minutes later okay?

  11. HELP!!!! I FORGOT HOW TO BREATH!!!!!!!!

  12. Oh... okay...




  13. ggklasgfgfageytgfgbvffgasgfyufefgjsdghfhjgfdhbdchvghjegffreopqryoeyroiyqioefhjkfgfjbjcbjsgjngancfchjagfnhjaegfhjgnfryqnycfquriqprutvbvbrvhgjjfhabevvyuayfjkvahebfhawehhfhfebabhbekufhbuifafiyaiulyfyalgnvlsjkljal;jag;ljg;ureheagyfaygteyuawebugfvauybgfyubgvyuagweybgfiawg

  14. *whipes off a tear*


    Haha! Oh that was FUNNY!!! lol'd for a min. check th ML

  15. *BOOM*


    OUCH!!! MY BUTT!!!!!!

  16. *Sneaks into Mird's room, places a bomb in his dresser drawer, then sneaks back out*



  17. *Sneaks into Canderis' room, places a bomb in his dresser drawer, and sneaks back out*



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