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Kyr'am Galaar

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Everything posted by Kyr'am Galaar

  1. How do I position the camera in the anim tab to view the clone right???

  2. Huh? It's sunday... You got homework friday?????

  3. Can I get those files to make the Geo-Camo troopers????

  4. It's a sig for the Mandalorian Remnant group...

  5. Saw it. And:


    I couldn't agree more...

  6. It crashes when I try to view the textures.

  7. There... Happy now??? :¬:


    (I'm off Invisibility Mode)

  8. How did you get your UnRealEd to work on your XP?????

  9. WAIT!!!!! If the mandos are pacifists now, then who was the host for the Clone Army??? That basically kills the whole Star Wars series from episode 2-6!!!

  10. WAIT!!!!! If the mandos are pacifists now, then who was the host for the Clone Army??? That basically kills the whole Star Wars series from episode 2-6!!!


    Somebody tell me otherwise... :¬:

  11. But it only crashes when I view the textures... When I'm just viewing the shaders I'm fine...

  12. I've tried, ner vod... It keeps crashing on me... Somebody will have to send me the files if I'm gonna skin...

  13. Hey, ner vod! I joined the Carbonite Modders.

  14. Can I be a skinner? UnReal Editor doesn't quite work for me so someone will have to send me the files...

  15. Hey, hockey! I'd like to help with the ARC Trooper Mod...

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