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Kyr'am Galaar

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Everything posted by Kyr'am Galaar

  1. Imma done with the desert camo commando...

  2. Su'cuy! Have you checked out the ARC trooper modding group lately???

  3. I've no idea. But I'm done with the desert camo commando...

  4. Correction. MY Unrealed isn't. Maybe you should try Gamma.

  5. .bmp file type is fine but UnRealEd isn't importing the file for some reason.

  6. UnRealEd isn't reading your file... O_o

  7. I'll take that ARC skin. Send it via email. K???

  8. I'm at school right now so....... Can't really work on it.

  9. Check my RC stuff album.

  10. "Posted by Ulmont: Mmm, looks nice. Mird'ika or hockey, could you send Prudii all the char textures (I'd do it but my internets really, really slow. I'd probably be here till christmas.)"


    Do you think that you could help???

  11. Check ze ARC group

  12. are there any other skins for the mod that need to get done???

  13. I'll send 'em right over.

  14. Forest Camo Trooper is done!

  15. I took them off. I'll put 'em back up later.

  16. All I wanted to do was mod the game and my UnRealEd doesn't work, but okay... There will be no more posts like that from me....

  17. Ehh... Nevermind......

  18. Can you help??? I REALLY want to mod RC and it will help me get done faster if I have the files.

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