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Everything posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. headless trooper is the same as normal trooper. look in the pawn class RepublicClonetrooper and theres already a storm trooper pawn. uploading now

  2. do you want them as texture files?

    and for the guns. yea i can handle them if they are Uved already

  3. ok thanks bud! and we have 6 views already :D

  4. Ill make an update on Moddb

  5. should i list it now?

  6. Ding: [youtube=hd]

  7. remember that video you made? the intro. what did you use to make that?

  8. sure ill unlist it first

  9. Launch comes out the day of the mod


    reveal is for like showing (like now)

  10. and yes, i was thinking Sacrifice, Warrior or Idestructable as well

  11. THATS SICK! and can i release a "Reveal" trailer today? it has no briefing but its just a quick minute trailer?

  12. I see you like the new Album Asylum(I LOVE it). i was thinkin that for the Launch trailer. for the main reveal trailer i was thing this:

  13. put this as a quick update?



  14. yup, most of them are in game!

  15. yea, but its just the shell, you cant make em animated

  16. thats fine ill be home @ 6pm est

  17. you can export them, but not their skeleton

  18. you can export it as a .t3d by placing it in a map and exporting it

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