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Everything posted by HockeyGoalie35

  1. you rmember this right? from WAY back when

    i updated it of course

  2. ok cool. and then the screen turns white and there you are in the sim. and im atually done! all i need is dimal to send me the number and you do the line

  3. Hey Dimal, what was Jai's squad number? can you tell Ulmont for me too?

  4. uh.......hmm ill get back to you on that XD

  5. well, theres really no other way to incorporate it. prolouge shows your squad getting into gunships. then your training on kamino again? or you train before you are born?

  6. remmber that kamino training level? i have a great idea that i started.

    ok. prolougue finishes, you fin yourself in the gunship, and and a clone says to you, "Hey Alpha, I cant believe we are finnaly done with those simulators!". then the screen turns white, as if he is remembering. then you are at the test level. go throught that. and then Geo briefing goes as normal. and in this map, you cannot die


    can you record that line?

  7. i got the head and chest fine, but im not sure if the arms and legs will work

  8. XD in black ops? how is it? im getting in Dec for my b day

  9. some multiplayer stuff i think. bots, menus etc.

  10. i dont know him, i only knew Skip and CCPVI.

  11. because RCreloaded was shutdown, and one of the main modders quit modding so it just collapsed

  12. hey, uh the echo mod was canceled...unfortunetly

  13. hey, can you send me a quick Pm? i gotta ask you a question

  14. thanks! ulmont made it for me

  15. That is awesome! Thanks so much!

  16. sure!

    Main Guy:





    ok can you make the symbol behind the words this: Slipknot Wallpaper


    quote: Five-second fuses only last three seconds.



  17. sure, do you want me to give links to what the basic elements should be?

  18. the newest adition. fan artist

  19. fancy looking badge you got there

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