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Laura Muffin

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Everything posted by Laura Muffin

  1. derpderp i haven't been on this website in forever lol xmas break.

  2. You don't have to apologize lol! I'm not dissing you dude haha.

  3. Lol um.. Well numbah one: calm down it's no big deal. >.> And don't take this the wrong way but I'ma get real with you, we aren't "friends". I don't really know you :x sry. I have no problem being friendly n stuff but I don't really know you that well XD

  4. lol well not sure why you're so interested, but I do love reading. Just started a new book actually.

  5. Umm..i'm interested in a lot of things 0-o I always hated that section. It's such a broad question and might take hours to answer.

  6. NOTHING IS GOING ON..jk yeah..taking a break between classes atm and started a new mass effect game on my "new" gamertag..*grumbles* friggin xboxlive didnt let me keep my old one so now I have to replay all my games to get my acheivement score back up :(

  7. Very nice! However I seem to be missing a chin...But I like the colors you used hehehe

  8. What pic? The one in my current sig? Lol I'm assuming he just saved that pic from my album on my profile. Buncha random pics of me there.

  9. Hey, if you wanted to do your own version of a sig for me I definately wouldn't mind! I'll include both and probabaly use one or the other on a diff forum :)

  10. I sense some vote tampering..>.>

  11. what's scary? The fact that a blonde said it or that the two choices are, essentially, the same thing hehe

  12. I supppooooose...I still like doing nothing all day..and by doing nothing, I mean nothing involving school and mostly involving sleep and recreational activities! Muahaha

  13. Things are pretty good I suppppose...I should get to bed soon but I got some reading for English to do lol! It's been a busy week GRAH!!!

  14. Not a huge difference, but one sounds less cumbersome when spoken and is a bit less awkward gramatically hehe. "chou" Can stand for an already pluralized "comrades/friends" so it doesn't necessarily need the "men" to pluralize it..But I might have this wrong..XD you'd have to ask a native chinese speaker for truth I guess

  15. here's the pinyin if you need help XD:


    Hen hao. Danshi, yongti "chou"/"choumen", bu "pengyoumen"

  16. 很好。 但是,用途“俦”/“俦们”,不“朋友们”

  17. Don't uncover this spoiler unless you're prepared for inappropriateness...


    This is a PG-13 forum. Keep it clean. --Jae

  18. Lol .. Chinese and English are all I know haha. Sryy

  19. LOL really? Pfff. Well I'm going on my second year now..In Chinese 203 right now. Speaking of which I actually have an assignment to finish for that >.>..meh I'll do it tomorrow

  20. 我也说话。。。一点了。 呵呵呵。 哪里你学中文? (plz forgive me if my grammer sucks XD)

  21. btw (P.S.) Thanks for friend add!!!

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