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Laura Muffin

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Status Updates posted by Laura Muffin

  1. Don't uncover this spoiler unless you're prepared for inappropriateness...


    This is a PG-13 forum. Keep it clean. --Jae

  2. here's the pinyin if you need help XD:


    Hen hao. Danshi, yongti "chou"/"choumen", bu "pengyoumen"

  3. Oh yes I do. In fact, one might say that he knows me..not the other way around ;).....


    LOL anyways joking aside, things are pretty fab right now. How 'bout you?


    Thanks for droppin' me a line :p

  4. Awww :( >.> <.<


    *cough*torrent it*cough*


  5. Ah-ho-ho! You jest, sir, but I most certainly could place an order...What kinda **** you into? ...Er..muffin-wise...wait that still sounds dirty...BAKED GOODS PEOPLE

  6. Awww, I'm sorry you're dealin' with crap. Hope to still see you around sometimes tho! Keep in touch :)

  7. btw (P.S.) Thanks for friend add!!!

  8. derpderp i haven't been on this website in forever lol xmas break.

  9. Hey, if you wanted to do your own version of a sig for me I definately wouldn't mind! I'll include both and probabaly use one or the other on a diff forum :)

  10. I sense some vote tampering..>.>

  11. I supppooooose...I still like doing nothing all day..and by doing nothing, I mean nothing involving school and mostly involving sleep and recreational activities! Muahaha

  12. I'm just gonna be straight-up honest witcha....I ate your order. I didn't know it was a delivery! I'll tell him to make more..LOL on that note, I actually have to cook dinner in a few..yippee >.>

  13. Lol .. Chinese and English are all I know haha. Sryy

  14. LOL really? Pfff. Well I'm going on my second year now..In Chinese 203 right now. Speaking of which I actually have an assignment to finish for that >.>..meh I'll do it tomorrow

  15. Lol um.. Well numbah one: calm down it's no big deal. >.> And don't take this the wrong way but I'ma get real with you, we aren't "friends". I don't really know you :x sry. I have no problem being friendly n stuff but I don't really know you that well XD

  16. lol well not sure why you're so interested, but I do love reading. Just started a new book actually.

  17. Not a huge difference, but one sounds less cumbersome when spoken and is a bit less awkward gramatically hehe. "chou" Can stand for an already pluralized "comrades/friends" so it doesn't necessarily need the "men" to pluralize it..But I might have this wrong..XD you'd have to ask a native chinese speaker for truth I guess

  18. NOTHING IS GOING ON..jk yeah..taking a break between classes atm and started a new mass effect game on my "new" gamertag..*grumbles* friggin xboxlive didnt let me keep my old one so now I have to replay all my games to get my acheivement score back up :(

  19. Perhaps my typing in pink has caused you to subconsciously associate LAURA MUFFIN with pink, and therefor your eyes were displaying a slight hallucination when looking at my name...*nod nod*

  20. Things are pretty good I suppppose...I should get to bed soon but I got some reading for English to do lol! It's been a busy week GRAH!!!

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