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Everything posted by frazscotland

  1. hey johnny mesage me your skin texture u want use for campaign and mp and il fixup for ya . ok pal

  2. of course i wil pal.gona take a while tho.

  3. http://www.filefront.com/17188413/ARC-TROOPER-MOD-PATCH-A.exe/

    il make up te installer for arctrooper mod with patch a included. doubtless itl be remade again soon but hey...such is life

  4. ah yeh thats hockeys old mod . filefront is crap sumtimes it randomly deletes files or busts the link. yeh il get round to reuploadin it

  5. ah been busy makin te megamods 3,4 ,mod voicepaks, slaver v slaver mod,heavy v heavy mod and a nu supernoob 4 mod for mp like unreal style with custom voicepak all insults hehe. u been doin a nic map yavin looks ace !! iv dloaded dat stuf or if u send me acurate links to dload il make up a tempry installa !! okya

  6. nah hockey makin it an accessory dusnt wurk. i already tried that. i wanted to get clonenohelmet with tooperhelmet. and troopernohelmet with the commando helmet. i guess it would have to be a case of rotating the static meshes or sumthin. but i dont know how to do that yet or sumthin more difficult

  7. Hockey thats really vague what u said man. so do you mean goto the clone animation pak clone prologue set trooperno helmet mesh ? then all you do is add a notify ? and whrere is effectclass / or do u mean create a nu character in properties ?

  8. yeye i know that but how did u get the helmet on isit the troopernohelmet helmet in hand but how did u get the commandohelmet on jus chang the accesory of trooper from trooperhelmet to commando helmet ?? ye

  9. No i mean how did u get the clonetrooper with commando helmet in the campaign as in your vid..

  10. Hockey how was it u changed the helmets round ?isit the cnh helmet n hand and the tnh helmet in hand u usedd then ?? i wanted to do that a while ago have the commando body with trooper helmet but use em for mp

  11. How do ya get the flashlight the clone headlamp on for SP or maybe you know how to for MP. im really wantin to get the flashlight on to the mphud. ive tested it as CTHud in MPGame and it work . but want to get it for MPHud so can have nite maps

    Maybe can use a command like set input i toggleSPhud r sumthin ??

  12. wel mando ive not done it myself yet i just noticed i could . do what i said on hockeys profile and ask him where the invisible texture is located i forgot. what to do is copy the invisible texture somewhere and make up a nu texture pak with that init. and do what i said with the hudarms animations and save it with a diffnt name.

  13. In actorclasses if u untik da placeablclasse bocx goto INFO GameInfo ,CtGameInfoSP . properties CustomAnims in there you can replace the mesh to anything but keep the animations. i did it with battledroid. u kan have a 180kb mod. haha hohoho . im gonna try it for mp sumtime see if can add nu animations sets to MPgame

  14. Hey howsu mikey . hey i had a muk about with hudarms the other day. see if ya 1st off make a bakup copy of Hudarms animation pak .Then in it delete all the sets apart from the Hudarms uzi set hudarmsuzi and thudarms uzi in that. then put in your invisible textures to make the wep disappear then save as a diff name . presto u got your hudarms and thudarms for any wep pikup . hehe

  15. Hey thats brilliant i liked your zombie skin if you could make a few of them and put them as AI in maps would be ace. they could dronespit or claw atak you . dat would be a gud idea for a hockey mod the geonosis maps after sunfac but chok full of zombies to fight..

  16. Yeh what do you mean . for SP or MP ? yeh u just goto actorclass browser and in the pawn goto REQUIRED EQUIPMENT and put in Properties.dc15blasterclone as the wep instead of dc17mblaster . but the way the games made youll see the hdarms of the dc17mblaster unless you do the setinput b togglebehindview. then youll see it as dc15. im not sure how to fully change the hudarms yet. hockey knows i think i helped him find the invisible texture which is part of it

  17. no another way itis skywalker

  18. MENUCUSTOMISECHARACTER ? options labels 1 ? defo >? ok thanks man

    whenever i try to change anythin there it crashes unreal

  19. yep cant see where it is could you tel me exactly where itis u type the skin name please ?

  20. no i dunno how they did that .no wurries i tell you anything i can to help other moddrs. where is the bit u change the skin names ? i couldnt find that ??

  21. no i dunno how they did

  22. what mesh hockey / and what shots ? isit a xfire vid u watched of mine /

  23. yeh the turrets are placed on the map. but everyone has had trouble with it before becase the animation set fro the turrets in hudarms is for clone skeletal mesh only. so wen ur trando tries it BAM ! it crash or if u commando it is invisibl if u not the host

  24. ive made a r2d2 vs r5d5 mod a seekerdroid vs scavdroid mod, droideka vs droideka and dsd vs dsd mod and am wurkin on sum more stuff. would like to suss

    turrets in mp mod but it have to be clone vs clone for the turret hudarms animations.

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