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Everything posted by frazscotland

  1. http://www.filefront.com/15360519/ARC-TROOPER-MOD-BETA.exe/

    when hockey and the guys make up a newer version with more loadingscreens ill redo it

  2. hey man did i send u mi filefront link ? i forget.

    i jus made up the arctrooper mod into an installer

  3. http://www.filefront.com/15360519/ARC-TROOPER-MOD-BETA.exe/

    I made the arctrooper mod into an installer and put 1 of the pics as the loading screen. see what you think. we can change pics in the GUI content textures for other screens

  4. i made the arctrooper mod into an installer .i also put 1 of the pics as the quiklaunch loading screen .we can change pics in the GUI textures for screens in the mod as well for next release. dload and see wat u think man..


  5. hey hockey man howr u ? gud i hope. well i made the arctrooper mod into an installer .i also put 1 of the pics as the quiklaunch loading screen .we can change pics in the GUI textures for screens in the mod as well for next release. dload and see wat u think man..


  6. yeh sure man you kan take anything you want off mi filefront..

    i seperated hockeys 5ai maps into a seperate dload installer,also clonetrooper mod 2.1 is there and hockey skinpack 1 + 2 for campaign,supermod 3, and i also seperated and made supergun mod 1 is the mp lan version of clonetrooper mod and supergun mod 2 is the mp lan version of supermod 3.

    i need to get in touch with you guys and ill remake up installer paks.ive not done the nu1 til its finished and youre happy. i can make up seperate skininstallers for changing mp lan skinsets for you guys. i played the arc mod and well done its good so far.


  7. hey man i know an amazin mapper called DARKLORD his maps are like 60mb each on average size they would be ideal as campaign maps. and i dont think he would mind particularly them being used for a good purpose such as this mod. chek the post i made its got the links to dload . his maps are works of art .i think he is the best mapper in swrc myself

  8. hey man u there theres an amazin mapper i know called DARKLORD his maps would be ideal as campaign maps for the arc mod chek the post i made in the forum its got the links posted

  9. wel its not bad for starts u kan replace the gui content loading screens with ARC MOD titles also. it seems to stik in a cupla maps i was playin cos of the properties speed i think sum levels are timed or something..

  10. ah thers no droidskins in the pak like the 1s i know u already have made .the goldbattledroids and the nu superbattledroid skin. sum of the files in the dload are already the same not modded ...

  11. hockey man how are ya ? could you please help. im trying to make nu commando for the squad i know how to do to a certain extent but not how to make its script. isit poss to copy the script from other commando but have different name. i make everything same but hudname and number dusnt show as box selections.boohoo

  12. hey ulmont man do you know how to add a nu squad character. i can create but it doesnt have hud name or number

  13. ah kool man happi bday dude. hey hows the arc mod goin ? am gonna have aquik look

  14. ah rite hence the name r u quite a pro hockeyplaya ? gudstuff man

  15. hey hockey man how goes it ? i am really likin the look of texturs u guys have been turnin out. if u keep this up youl b goin str8 in to the gamin industry for a jobby

  16. can u please tell me how to make shaders from the adultclone textures ? do you know ?

  17. yeh i know i wonder how i could make it ? u rekkon thas why its reverting ? i linked the animations for cloneadult to mp also

  18. hey man how are you ? ive managed to change the characters to adultclones in customise and even linked the animation package.but it keeps reverting for sum reason. anyways do you know how to create shaders for the adultcloneskin textures ?

  19. iv managed to edit the ct characters for mp to cloneadults but im not 2clued up with the editor still man. they show up in the customise screen but reverts to a clonecommando in lan server.hmm any ideas ?? also how do i make nu shaders from my texture adult models

  20. hey i like your idea of a twin pistoled commando. is that gonna b part of the mod even ifits a diff character.

  21. ulmont does that mean i would have to create a new helmet model with softimage xsi ? or full new model really .

  22. maybe the names arent exactly the same as what theyr supplanting or MIPS is diff

  23. hi ulmont i dunno if u kan help me with this query .but do you know how to restrict the field of vision of the helmet. ie the texture is metal helmet isit just a case of painting the parts ? i wanna be able to change the hud view . regards fraz

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