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Mandalorian Mercenary

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Status Updates posted by Mandalorian Mercenary

  1. Hey Hockey, think you could make the Mando a downloadable asset to RC? It'd be nice if I could edit him and make his armor my own style :D

  2. Girlfriend voicing security system? That'd be interesting ^^

  3. hey how goes the modding? What part are you involved with? (skinning, map designing, etc.)

  4. lol maybe. Idk I just took the picture off the internet. Is Prudii your favorite Null?

  5. Ahhhh. I use visual basic for school, but not java or any of the other languages. And AWESOME work on that seperate hud ner vod, I seriously doubt there's anything you can't do! :thmbup1:

  6. Thanks ner vod! You rock! B-)

  7. Need anymore voice lines ner vod?

  8. YOur avvy scares me! D: lol

  9. Alright. I still have em all, so they will be on the way shortly.

  10. Saw that awesome pic you posted on Hockey's profile, is that a gun you guys are thinking about importing? ^^

  11. Hey Hockey d'ya think we could make a youtube channel for Carbonite Modders? You could post a message on your channel saying all future ARC trooper mod videos will be posted on that profile..What do ya think?

  12. Hmmm, well in that case; go ahead! :D That'd be nice instead of me having to record a line for when each squad member is down.

  13. so I got the sketchup plugin and installed it, but how do i resize the model and to what size?


    EDIT: It also says that there is an error when i try to import it into the static meshes..something to do with the .ase file.

  14. Ahh alright. Thanks vod! ;)

  15. Hey vod, Gamma said you had a list of phrases I need to say for the sound files. (It'd be nice to be the advisor or something) *nudge nudge wink wink*

  16. Sounds fancy :D I'm gonna get to work on those lines Bralor sent me..want me to e-mail 'em to you Hockey?

  17. I am sending the lines now. Be prepared for multiple e-mails :p

  18. Yup :) and what's your e-mail? I'll send you the darth maul skin I made, replace the clone adult skin with it.

  19. Hey vod, got some of the lines done; will be emailing them shortly.

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