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.:Lord Revan:.

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Status Updates posted by .:Lord Revan:.

  1. Well the mod is great how could nobody like it?

  2. I have another stupid question forgive my stupidity, how do you take screenshots?

  3. Are still working on the Revan's reign mod, cause I am looking forward to it. :)

  4. How is the Republic ship mod comeing along?



    P.S. How is Halo: Reach? :D

  5. Love it. :p



    also hows the cartoons coming along?

  6. Ya I understand, I still can't figure out how you guys find time to mod. :)

  7. I have a request, I'm sure you are a busy guy, but I was wondering if you could make a Kotor lightsaber for me. Revan_saber.jpg

  8. I have a request, I'm sure you are a busy guy, but I was wondering if you could make a Kotor lightsaber for me. Revan_saber.jpg

  9. Hey do you anything about TOR.

  10. Hey I was looking at TOR, and is it online play or is there going to be a single player video game release, cause on amazon there is pre-order for TOR.

  11. You seem to be a very active guy, so do you know if there is a Sith Stalker Armor character for battlefront 2?

  12. Ya but why do some of there games say things like da**?

  13. I know this a odd question but are there going to be swear words in ROR?

  14. Cause mine takes a while to startup and to load the mission. And when I say awhile I mean 5min. max. So I don't know.

  15. Hey I need help does your Transformers War for Cybertron game take forever to load?

  16. How is the art comeing along?

  17. How is the mod comin?

  18. EEK!! that's a scary profile pic.

  19. Are you a revan fan?

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