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Status Updates posted by CptPriceless

  1. Hey can you get on Skype some time this week?

  2. Hey 90SK,


    Do you still have these versions of your TSL robes?


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  3. Damn... I'm going to be out of town from Friday afternoon to Sunday Evening working on a on a project.

  4. I won't be available today, sorry.

  5. Finished BoS:SR for the second time today. KFiles should create a new subsection called, "DLC Packs" for your mod; it was fantastic! I breezed through the actual game with the Super Skip Taris mod in about 2 hours, then spent the next 6 hours in BoS.

  6. I previously had a Windows 7. No luck. My best bet is to get a Windows XP SP3 with an old NVIDIA graphics card - those always worked for me when trying to play TSL. We should all just get "old computers" for the sole purpose of playing "old games".

  7. No problem. TSL still doesn't work for me despite me recovering my old Vista. FML. I'm a deprived person; 4 years without it.

  8. Paddy and I are on Skype.

  9. Thanks for closing the thread. ^.^

  10. Hey it's summer. Got a new mic. It's not the best - of course - but suffice it to say, I have the time to voice act for you.. if the opportunity is still open.

  11. Sorry Dak, I'm currently busy working with colshin on TFE right now. I'll keep you posted.

  12. Sure. Just give me a few lines and the genders/characters. Or give me your email and I can send you some files of my audition for the Jedi Masters 2.0 (in the event that Trex needs some voicing).

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