Hi all, I'm working on a game at the moment which needs an establishing shot of a very tall tower, and I want to find a reference screenshot for how I think it should be handled. I'm sure there's a shot in a Lucasarts adventure (I could be getting muddled and it's a non-Lucasarts game, but I don't think so) where if you look at the entire piece of art, it's three or so screens tall and the tower curves out at the middle so that in-game when they scroll from the bottom of the piece upwards, it looks like it's starting from a low angle framing of the bottom of the tower then pivoting up to look directly at the middle of the tower, then continuing to pivot up for an angle looking up at the top of the tower. I've seen this called curved perspective.
Can anyone tell me what game and scene this is, please?!
edit: Full Throttle has the inverse of this for its opening shot - the perspective pinches in at the middle, so the clouds at the start and the highway at the end feel closer than the horizon in the middle - and the Booty Island cliff in MI2 has the middle and bottom of it, but doesn't pan up past Guybrush to look up at the sky!