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Everything posted by SGTflippy

  1. HERE THE LINK enjoy https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/21es4x68z9scfhatbh50q/h?rlkey=ohnlap1e2s3e530jlo4tzmv4u&e=2&dl=0
  2. it cant be that bad from the 4 movie , right?? right?...... and i think we are the fans need to see the movie to decide if it good or not.
  3. i only think that the ones that going to buy the "horse" VERSION going not to play it and then they will sell the preorder for a lot of money in ebay .
  4. i wonder what kind of treasure there's more out there , that we don't know about?
  5. they could do LOOM or INDY foa ' i wonder if we get it some day
  6. rogue squadron SUPER REMASTER WITH UNREAL 5 ENGINE and with collector edition with life size helmet
  7. if they put this stuff in the "sam and max hit the road" i am so buy this
  8. what i have done ,,,,, now they just need to get back the" sam and max hit the road collecters edition" that include the pen and the pins
  9. now they need TO put back every old game and make an official MERCHANDISE (we still need all the cool stuff that we couldn't buy back then )
  10. i got the new book ' i couldn't post a pic of it because of the total size šŸ˜ž https://imgur.com/a/zZrghZL
  11. i know its a short one ,but if you want to get yourself old STAR WARS GAME or MONKEY ISLAND , they will open the sell tomorrow and may luck be with you https://limitedrungames.com/collections/2022-other-blowout
  12. i got it (i feel like indiana jones and the lucasarts pins and stuff)
  13. LOOK AT THIS https://limitedrungames.com/collections/neo-frontpage/products/star-wars-knights-of-the-old-republic-master-edition-pc
  14. what do you think of this? is it real? any info about it?
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